chpt 11|| see you, needle noggin

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Wolfwood laid on the ground and coughed

"Still alive huh? You're tough, wolfwood"

While wolfwood tried to get up knives kicked him

"You're like a bug that just won't die"
Knives non stop shot wolfwood in the back

"How about now" wolfwood was laid on his stomach, knives flipped wolfwood over to his back

Wolfwood was still alive, but barely

"You just can't seem to let go can you?"

"I guess you can bleed out and die"

Knives looked down at wolfwood and walked off

"Don't worry, I'll tell my brother all about how you died, I'll tell him you fought reaaaaal hard"

Then knives disappeared

Now wolfwood was alone, the only thing to accompany him was a night sky filled with beautiful stars

The only thing wolfwood could think of was to survive, And to keep his promise to vash

He put a hand over his face and cried with a scream to go with it

His screams echoed through the empty desert, the pain of the bullets didn't bother wolfwood at all
The only pain that really bothered him was the pain of not being able to see a tomorrow or a future

A future with vash

Wolfwood started to accept that he was about to die
But he just didn't want to die
He knows he will, but it still pains him

How unfair

"Unfair! It's not fair!"

Wolfwood took a deep breath

"I'm sorry vash, I really did want to find you again, even if it were in a few years or a decade, I wanted to find you again and hear what you wanted to ask, I wanted to ask you something as well but I guess that'd be impossible.

I wanted to be with you, I wanted to be someone you could cry on, laugh with, and trust
I wanted to be someone you could love and maybe we could've have had a normal life

Maybe we could have

Maybe we could've watched the night sky together, or live together till we died

Life's just unfair though, I should've known my wants would never become true, especially with my luck

I just hope, that your fate will be different from mines, that you'll have a happy ending and live a good life

Goodnight.. I'm tired now"

See you, needle noggin

end of a world//our world((vashxwolfwood))Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu