1. Arthur Shelby

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Arthur Shelby 18+

Y/n P.O.V
        Working "with" the Peaky Blinders is stupid, dangerous, and down right wrong. I told my father that when he told me he took a deal with Thomas Shelby, but of course Aberama Gold doesn't listen. Tonight, however, is my brother's fight, and I was not missing it. My friends came with me, so I wouldn't be alone around a bunch of men. Once we get close to where the Blinders hold their fights, I'm nervous. Is my brother a good fighter, without a doubt. I just hope this isn't some trick.
''I can't wait to see Bonnie pummel these city boys." A friend of mine, Tillie, exclaims.
"You just want to see Bonnie." I tease her.
"Oh hush." We all laugh as we walk into the warm warehouse.
       As we further inside we hold onto the backs of each other's coats as we try to get around the drunk sweaty men, some moving when they notice us. I look around trying to spot my father or brother, but I'm enticed by the fight. There's a leaky man fighting a big mountain of a man, and he was winning. As the mountain man falls after getting hit with a hard right hook the leaky man just walks around. He lifts his head, and his eyes immediately lock with mine. Someone raising his arm to declare him winner takes his eyes off of mine. My friend Francis pulls at my back and points ahead of me. My father with his charming smirk works his way to us.
"Come! Hold onto me!" He guides us near the back of the warehouse.
       He leaves us near the back area where there are some boxes to stand, or sit on. My leg begins to bounce as I watch my father warm up Bonnie. More people begin to crowd around the ring as men dressed in pressed suits walk toward my father. One shakes his and my brother's hands, and they talk for a moment. The man I saw fighting earlier gets into the ring. He is in a suit now with his hair slicked back, and a big cigar in his mouth.
"Beats! Come on, now! Beats!" He shouts.
     I smirk as I pull money out of my purse giving it to my friend Francis. I walked behind my father as I leaned against the ropes, holding my hand in the air.
"Oi! I got a pound on the little one!" I shout getting his attention.
He takes his cigar out as he walks over with a smirk.
"You making a beat, love?" He asks, placing his hands on the ropes next to my elbows.
"Gotta support the family dream!" You laugh as you hand him the money.
       Bonnie won that fight, obviously, but father wasn't too happy I made the beat. Bonnie laughed as he helped me count it. We ended up camping in Charlie's yard while father works "with" those Blinders. After asking him why we've been camped so much longer than he told me, he reluctantly tells me he has joined the Peaky Blinders as well as Bonnie. Bonnie is a fighter for them in the fairs and warehouses, and my father is a hitman. Don't get me wrong they are great at what they do, but something always goes wrong with these Blinders. I also don't want them losing their true gypsy selves while they are making all this money. Today my brother had a fight in some factory, and I told father I would tag along just in case Bonnie gets too rough. They had him fighting a man double his size.
          As we walked into the factory I saw a great amount of people showed up, and there was a group already huddled together. My father walks in front of me, Bonnie behind me, as we go toward the huddled group. I then saw the man from the last fight. He was standing with two other well dressed men, and father walked straight to them.
"Mr. Shelby." Father greets.
"Aberama." He nods as he smokes his cigarette.
"This is my daughter (y/n) she's here mostly for support." He jokes.
      I chuckle at my father giving him a slight nudge, not taking my eyes away from the tall man.
"I'm John, that is Tommy, and that's Arthur." John introduces us.
"Hello gentlemen." I give a simple head nod.
       They finish their drinks in one last swallow before we walk toward the ring. Bonnie hands father his shirt as he goes into the ring, and waits for his opponent. When his opponent gets in he doesn't look as bad as I thought.
"Bets, take your bets now." Arthur yells as he walks around the edge of the ring.
"Yea I got a pound here on the little one." I yell, getting Arthur's attention.
"Again? Didn't make enough last time?" He laughs as he takes my money, and steps out of the ring.
"I support my brother's dream." I shrug, giving him the same answer  as they start the fight.
"What's your dream, eh?" He leans a little closer.
"You couldn't handle my dreams, Peaky Boy." I laugh, walking over to my father.
       We cheer for Bonnie as he beats this giant that hasn't really thrown any punches. Arthur stayed next to his brothers, but when I would look over at him he would be looking at me. Once the fight is over we sit with the Blinders at The Garrison celebrating Bonnie's win. It's becoming too late for me, but father isn't budging.
"Hey peaky boy." I say as I walk up to Arthur.
"Yes love." He smirks from behind his cigar.
"Would you be so kind as to walk a lady like me to Charlie's yard?" I tried to sound as proper as I could, but I started laughing.
      Arthur laughs as he puts his cap on his head, and picks up his coat.
"Come on then." He dubs out his cigar as his hand goes to my lower back.
      Walking out of The Garrison it felt like I dropped into a frozen lake, so I pulled my coat closer. He must have seen, because he throws his coat over my shoulders, and replaces his hand to my lower back. Who knew Peaky boys could be gentlemen?
"You'll freeze Arthur." I simply tell him.
       He throws this nub of a cigar away as he shrugs, and starts to walk ahead. I do a small little run to catch up to him when I do get close enough I take hold of his arm. The further we walk we told each other small stories from growing up, and the closer we got the more I wanted to go somewhere else. Arthur guides me through Charlie's yard so I don't fall down, and once we get to my caravan next to the horse stables we stop.
"Would you like to come in and get warmed up?" I ask, opening the door.
      He only gives me a nod, and follows me inside. Poor man has to slightly crouch as he walks in to sit on the couch in front of the small stove. I lay his coat next to him as I grab some of the small pieces of wood I keep next to the stove.

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