1. Alfie Solomons 18+

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1. Alfie Solomons 18+

(Y/n) p.o.v
I've had enough of Small Heath, Birmingham, so I told Poll I'm going to London to visit Ada. Granted I was staying with my younger sister, but I spent most of my time with old friends that moved out of Birmingham. They told me about this club, it's supposedly the rage of London, and I'm dying to see just how big this place is.
"Hurry (y/n)! The car is here." My friend, Mildred yells for me.
"I'm coming!" I rush past Ada with a kiss on the cheek. "Be back in the morning Ada!" I yell over my shoulder.
"All because your name is Shelby doesn't mean you have to act like one!" I hear Ada as I climb into the car.
As Mildred, Joan, and I rode in the car we told stories of our lives, and we'd laugh. We finally got to the club, and I'm so thankful no one knows who I am, or my family. We walk in, check our coats, and immediately I get an idea of what kind of club this was. There were people doing drugs before you even got to the main club part, along with people having sex against the wall. I might as well have stayed in Small Heath for this. The only difference was this was high class instead of the dirty Garrison.
As the night went on I lost each friend to guys, one with snow, and the other to dancing. I stayed at our table, relaxing against my seat, just enjoying the music, and my drink. That was until some high-end guy sat in the seat next to me, and moved it closer. I slightly move to the side to take a sip of my drink, trying my best to ignore him, but he takes my drink out of my hand.
"You shouldn't be alone." He states. "It's not safe for a woman to be here alone."
"I'm fine." I say in a monotone.
"Why don't we get a drink? I can get you the top stuff." He boosts.
"I have the top shelf. Thank you" I state trying to reach for my glass.
He grabs my arm while he stands, lifting me up with him. I try to pull my arm away, but his grip hardens.
"Dance with me." He commands.
Before I can curse at him a big fist collides with his jaw, making him fall to the ground. I turn to my savior to see a man with a beard, top hat, and a cane. He moves to stand in front of me.
"Right, you say you're sorry to the lady." His cockney accent throws me.
"I'm not..." the man stops when he looks up. "Sorry ma'am." He then runs away.
"Names Alfie Solomons, love. " He tips his hat to me.
"(Y/n)." I purposely leave my last name out.
"You need a new drink, love. What you havin'?" He points to my spilt glass.
"Gin and water." I told him. I could tell it surprised him.
"That's fucking awful. Let me get you a proper drink." He sirs as he holds two fingers to the bartender.
"So, what has a gentleman, like yourself, in a club like this?" I smirk at him.
"I could ask the same, love." He chuckles.
We are a couple drinks down. Apparently the rum in London is a lot smoother than in Birmingham. We laugh at each other's stories. I say goodbye to my friends when they leave with their own men.
"I couldn't possibly drink another one." I giggle as I move the half empty glass away.
"Let me help you." He helps me stand straight as we walk out.
Alfie walks me to a cab that's sitting waiting outside. I laugh at myself as I slip into the seat. After I give my driver my hotel name I lay my head against Alfie's shoulder. After Alfie tells the driver to go he moves to rest on my crossed knee, and the other over his cane. I run my hand along his arm until it wraps around his bicep, and the other rests on the top of his rough hand. He flips his hand to actually hold my hand. We rode in comfortable silence until I eventually leaned my head on his shoulder.
When we pull up to his hotel he pays the driver, and helps me out. I keep hold of his hand as he guides me up the stairs. Once we get to his door his hands go to my waist to pull me close to him. I run my fingers in his beard as I smile up at him as we lean into each other. We kiss like we haven't seen each other in years, like we needed each other. He starts to kiss along my jaw.
"Al...Alfie please open the door." I softly moan into his ear.
He gives me a smirk as he takes a small step back, but doesn't let go of me as he turns to the door. I squeal from being picked up from the waist, and I hear the door slam behind me. I giggle as I'm set on my feet again. I turn to Alfie, playfully hitting his arm.
"You awful man." I laugh.
He chuckles as he throws his jacket off letting it fall over a chair while his cane falls to the floor. He grabs me by my waist to pull me to his chest. I smile up at him as I move his suspenders down his arms. He backs us to the bed making us fall onto the bed, with my knees on his hips. I gasp when he starts kissing my shoulder to my neck. I grab the back of his neck as he starts moving his hand up my leg, bringing my skirt up with his hand. I rest my hands in his hair while I open my legs for him to kneel between them. He locks his eyes with me as he pulls my underwear down. With a tight grip on my thighs he begins to kiss along the inside of my thigh then doing the same to the other side. I tried to lean on my elbows to watch him, but the closer he gets the more intense I feel. I fall on my back with soft moans. He finally is close enough, but all he does is kiss my lower lips with a quick kiss. I almost whine, but it stops in my throat when he licks up my opening.
"Alfie." I reach for his hand on my hip.
He entwined our fingers, giving me a slight squeeze before completely devouring me like a starved man. My back arches into the air as I grasp the top of his head. I've never had a man do this, this good before. My thighs already start to shake from him playing with my clit.
"Alfie, please! I..." my head falls back as I beg.
I feel his free hand run up my stomach to my chest as he sucks my clit while pulling away. He uses his hand to hold me down while I shake under him, a moaning mess. While I catch my breath he stands to look over me, and slides his pants off. I quickly slide my dress over my head as he crawls between my legs. I rub my hands over his shoulders as he gets in between my legs. My body is just melted, a puddle under him. I actually need him. I've never needed anyone this way before, and it's throwing my mind off. I can't keep any sense to me while he slowly slides into me. He doesn't stop until his hips are against mine, and he leans down, his groans vibrating my shoulder.
"Fuck, love." He starts to move.
I move my hips along with his as he moves faster. He knows every spot like I've known him for years. The faster he moves the louder the bed squeaks, the harder I grip his arm, and he tightly squeezes me to his chest. I bite my lip to hold my moans in, but he rams hard enough to reach deeper than I could ever imagine. I have to hide my mouth in his neck as I moan out.
"Alfie. Please." I beg into his neck.
His movements become sloppy, and I can feel myself tighten around him, feeling every grove of him. With a deep groan and another deep ram we release at the same time. I tried to catch my breath, but Alfie pulling me to his chest didn't help. I usually leave after I relax for a moment, however his arms are so warm I fall asleep.
I wake up at some point in the morning, and begin to slowly leave. I have to get out of here before he gets up or it's going to be awkward. I don't have many one nights, but I know the rules. I get back to Adas while she is at work, so I just go back to bed for a couple hours. I'm woken by the phone ringing.
"Ada Thorne residents." I answer.
"(Y/n), I need you back soon. Come straight to the Arrow House." Tommy orders before hanging up.
"Oh yes Tommy. No problem Tommy." I grumble to myself hanging up the phone.
He's such a pain in the ass. I tell Ada Tommy's orders, and she just rolls her eyes as she helps me pack. I give her and Karl a final hug as I board the train. I can't stand how I have to follow Tommy's rules, and orders. I swear I'm gonna smack him one day.
Coming into the station I see Tommy's driver waiting for me, and helps with my bags. Of course Thomas Shelby couldn't meet his sister at the station. The drive to Arrow was peaceful, and all I thought about was Alfie. I start feeling guilty for leaving, for some reason. Pulling into the long driveway of the house I roll my eyes at Tommy's new living.
"(Y/n) welcome back. How's Ada?" Polly asks as she helps me step out of the car.
"Ada is fine, Karl is driving her mad with his shenanigans, but overall fine." I laugh with her while we walk inside.
"Well Tommy of course was ahead of himself, because his meeting isn't until tomorrow." She walks me toward the living room. "I told him you would already be here, but of course he didn't listen." She lights her cigarette as she talks.
"It's okay I wasn't really doing anything." I shrug.
She hums in reply, but Tommy stops her from actually saying anything. He doesn't even acknowledge us here, he just pours him a drink.
"(Y/n) my business partner will be here tomorrow afternoon. I need you there to have the papers in order." He simply tells me.
"Why can't Lizzie help you?"
"Because I have you doing something else." He walks away with no response from me.
The rest of the night I talked with Polly. I went to bed dreaming of ocean water. I woke to Polly shaking me awake for breakfast. I took my time getting ready, and setting the papers in front of Tommy making sure he saw I put them there. John, Arthur, and Tommy start talking business, so I just leave.
Around two in the afternoon I was called into Tommy's office by Polly. She has hard eyes when I see her, but I should've been listening to the voice in the office. As I walk in everything goes quiet.
"(Y/n)." When I hear that deep voice again I almost fall to my needs, but instead my head snaps up to the man standing next to my brother's desk.
"Al...what?" I try to gather myself, but of of course a girl can't do that when she has brothers.
"How the fuck do you know our sister?" Arthur stands from his seat.
Alfie just looks at me in shock as I do him, maybe in deeper shock. I look at Tommy as he stares at me. He knew. He knew, and that's why he called me to come here. My head begins to spin as John and Arthur start yelling, so I just run out of the room.
"(Y/n)!" I hear multiple voices call behind me.
I run to the side of the house, squatting down, and just take deep breaths. I slept with their business partner, and I might actually feel something for him. I already know it's not going to end well for me or Alfie. I stay leaning against the house until I hear my name being called.
"Love where are you?" I hear Alfie's voice call with the others.
I take a deep breath before walking out. Polly, John, and Alfie are watching me walk toward them. Alfie looks my body over with sad eyes before turning to his car. Polly puts her arms around me as Alfie drives away. I know we weren't together, but it still hurt he left.
"It'll turn out right (y/n)." John rubs my arm.
We walk back into the office we're a fuming Arthur is sitting with a calm looking Tommy. Polly sits me in a chair in front of the desk, and sits next to me as John stands behind my chair. The look Tommy is giving me is like he's looking at every depth of my soul. He clears his throat before light a cigarette, and turning his eyes to Arthur.
"His name is Alfie Solomons, and he runs the Jews in Camden Town. We started working with him when we went against Sabini, but Alfie decided he wanted the Italians." Tommy clears his throat. "You know everything after that, but he hasn't done anything lately." He looks at Arthur when he scoffs. "I need to know if you knew him."
"No, I swear we met at the club in London." I tell the truth.
"Do you care for him?" Tommy asks.
"I... well.."
"Who cares?! You go near him again, I'll cut him." Arthur storms out.
"Answer me." Tommy pushes.
"Thomas enough." Polly steps in, but Tommy just stares me down.
"I don't know." I shrug.
"You don't know, but yet you slept with him." He scoffs.
"Oh please like you are the Virgin Mary." I roll my eyes. "I did know he was a gang leader or something like that. He stood up for me and bought me a drink. He was different." I say the last to myself but of course Polly heard, and snapped her head to me.
"Alright that's enough. She hasn't done anything wrong,Thomas. What she chooses is her choice." Polly tells Tommy, and gives him the eyes that meant that the conversation is over.
She walks us up to my room, and shuts the door when I sit on my bed.
"Now it's my job to tell you what he said." She smirks at my reaction, and hands me a folded paper. "If you want to call him he will answer, and business is business not this." With that she left.
Over the next couple days I keep thinking of Alfie, so when the guys are gone I use the library phone to call Alfie, and when his deep force answers I freeze.
"Hello!" He calls again with frustration.
"Alfie?" I quietly answered.
"(Y/n)? Wha...are you okay?" He sounds so flustered.
"I'm okay. I just decided to call you." I hear something move in the background.
"I'm glad you called. I knew you couldn't resist me, love.'' He chuckles along with my giggles.
We talk until I hear a while blowing in the background. He grumbles under his breath.
"It's quitting time, love. I have to go."
"Oh okay." I pause for a moment. "Where do you work?"
"A bread factory in Camden Town." He tells me, but a loud bang is heard before I could respond. "Love I gotta go, I work with idiots."
"Okay bye Alfie." I giggle.
"Bye love." He hangs up.
I turn around to leave with a giddy smile on my face, but Tommy leaning against the door with his arms crossed.
"I'll deal with Arthur, just don't lie to us." He walked away before I could hug him.
I rush to my room, and throw things into a small bag. I have to get back to London. I tell my family where I was going, and the only thing Polly tells me is to be careful. The train pulls into the London station, and I see Ada waiting for me. When she sees me she gives me a smirk with her hands on her hips.
"I told you just because you are named Shelby doesn't mean you act like them." We laugh as we get to her car.
The next morning I got ready. I make sure everything is perfect before I get into the taxi. As the drive gets closer to where I'm going I begin to get nervous. What will happen? We stop close enough to the door. I knock on the big door almost getting hit with it when a scrawny man with an apron answers.
"I'm here for Mr. Solomons, the name's Shelby." I simply tell him.
He opens the door further for me, and I follow him through the bakery, up the stairs to Alfie's office. He points toward the door before going back down the stairs. I softly knock on the door before opening it slowly.
"What now, Ollie?" He doesn't look up from his papers until the click of my heels hit the floor as I walk to him. "What are you doing here, love?" I sit on the corner of his desk.
"Well I decided that I wanted to come see you, and that maybe we could talk somethings out." I nervously twist the bead on my dress.
"What is there to talk out? I assumed with your call the other day you were mine." He simply tells me as he stands.
"Well I guess so. I just..." He cages me with his arms.
"You wanted to see me." He finished for me. "I'm glad you're here." He kisses me deeply.

I stayed with Alfie for a whole week, and he almost had my brother banging down his door when he wouldn't let me leave. He ended up coming to Small Health for a few days until the smog got to him. After a couple of months of back and forth Alfie asked me to marry him. Arthur beat him up when we told everyone, but everything is overall okay. The day before my wedding Polly told me I was pregnant, and the baby was going to be famous. My sweet Sylvia was born. She was our angel. However our son Jack became a gang leader like his father. I love him to pieces, but he gives me heart failure.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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