Part Five

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It had started raining just before Eddie drove you home early in the afternoon. His words lingered in your ears as the two of you made your way silently through town.

"I think you two have everything to talk about."

"All I'm sayin' is that I'd call her." He told you as you slipped down from the passenger seat of his van. You nodded silently, more to yourself than to him. You quickly mumbled a goodbye and thanked him for last night one more time before slamming the heavy door shut and making your way into your house.

Once you were alone in the still silence of your bedroom your mind went into overdrive. Again. What did he mean by "everything to talk about?" Had she told him about the knee touching incident on the first day of school? Had he told her about your weed induced confession in the dark of his bedroom last night?

It was a few hours before you gathered up enough courage to pick up the phone. You dialed the first three digits of Robin's phone number before you slammed the phone back onto the base. Your heart raced in your chest as you pressed yourself against the wall near the phone. How the fuck did Munson expect you to talk to her when the idea of it sent you into full panic mode?

You retreated back into the comfortable, merciful darkness of your silent bedroom. You pulled back your comforter and slid beneath it, pulling it tightly to your chin. As you lay there all you could think about was her. Robin. The girl who swept into your life like a tornado two years ago. The girl who's laugh could fill a room. The girl who you loved. The girl who had rejected you. The girl who did not want you the same way that you wanted her.

You didn't even have it in you to cry anymore. You'd been crying for weeks and it hadn't helped. The only difference between 24 hours ago and this moment was that Eddie knew your secret. You trust him, obviously. But that didn't stop your mind from racing and running through every single worst case scenario it could conjure.

You heard your front door open and close, signaling your father's return home from work. You breathed a heavy sigh of relief. He wouldn't bother you. He never did. But you knew the moment your mother came home from her own job, you'd have to once again decline her attempts for pleasant conversation until dinner. You didn't even know if you had the energy for any of it. You felt utterly and completely drained. Burnt out by your own mind.

Hours passed without you even realizing. The sun began to set outside your window. The world continued to spin while you sat in your bed with your own thoughts eating away at you. Your mother didn't even try to call you for dinner, instead just telling you that there would be a plate in the fridge for you when you were ready. You felt bad when you heard her voice. You knew that your isolation couldn't be easy for her to watch. But you couldn't do anything about it. The pit in your chest only grew the longer you were away from your friends. The longer you were away from her.

Your eyes were heavy and growing heavier by the moment. But you couldn't sleep. The moment you closed your eyes you were bombarded by images. Images of what could happen if Robin ever knew your secret. Images of the memories you'd shared with her since you met her. All of them were more painful than the last.

Eventually the sun set outside your window and you were finally in the complete darkness that you so deeply craved. You hoped to yourself that you'd finally be able to sleep. But someone who was currently committing more than one moving violation as they drove to your house had other plans for you.

You barely registered the soft knocks on the front door of your home. But you couldn't ignore the even softer ones that sounded from your own locked bedroom door. "Honey," your mom called quietly. "Robin is here for you."

Your eyes widened at her announcement. She had to be mistaken. She'd only met Robin and Nancy a few times each, and always together. She was confusing the two girls. She had to be. And you were not in any mood to see Nancy tonight.

Everything *A Robin Buckley X Female Reader Series*Where stories live. Discover now