Chapter 2: Another apocalypse

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Cale had hoped he would not hear this voice again (he had longed for it, the last voice remaining from his time as Cale)

"...You can still turn back time?"

Cale was a bit surprised, considering how much the God of Death had intervened in the war against the hunters, he was sure the God was supposed to be recovering

" Currently I do not have the power to do so,But..Cale if you're willing, I can help you still"

Cale never knew why the God of Death had favoured him so much , but he couldn't pass over this opportunity

"What do i have to do?"

"You have to earn merit, currently there is a another universe going through an apocalypse"

The God of Death sounded worried for him, yes, fighting again, saving the world again it did sound tiresome to Cale but his family was a reward he would do anything for

"Im willing, so take me there you" he took a breath and continued in a fond voice "motherfucking god of death"

He swore at him but it didn't feel like a swear anymore ,in fact it felt more like a nickname now

The God sighed fondly and sent his beloved child away


The train was as busy as usual, Yoo Sangah was next to him talking about something, but his eyes kept wandering to the heavily scarred and muscled man sleeping in the opposite direction.

And by gods did he want to sleep too,he felt rather empty considering how abruptly his favourite novel had ended


Yoo Sangah's voice woke him up

"Ah? Yes?"

Kim Dokja  replied rather  absentmindedly

"Should we wake that man up? He might miss his stop"

She asked eyeing the sleeping man as the good natured person she is

Dokja was a bit reluctant though, that man seemed weary and strong, plus the multiple scars that adorned him did not assure him very much


Just as he was going to very reluctantly going to agree the lights suddenly went out

There was confused voices everywhere

"Dokja-ssi? What happened?"

The concerned yoo sangah grabbed his left arm tightly while turning on her flash light

"Its probably a small disturbance, we shouldn't worry much"

Pretending to be unconcerned, he looked around a bit and saw that the sleeping man was still infact asleep,

'God. I want to sleep too'

Kim Dokja silently thought again, his gaze lingering on the slumbering man

Kiiiiiiik!!the train created a metallic sound and stopped

"Attention everyone, attention everyone"

The train went quiet, waiting for a source of relief from the announcement

"See? It wasn't a big deal, they will air an apology and they'll fix the problem "

He reassured himself and sangah-ssi


Which did not infact help at all considering what the driver said next, everyone started panicking


His bedding felt uncomfortable, it was not the bed made of the best materials in the world or the rough ground where he was used to sleeping, it felt like a dirty train seat, he slowly opened his eyes and to his, maybe not a surprise, it was a dirty train seat

The train was full of people, no one was armed and there was not a single stain of blood, it was a good sign, the apocalypse of whatever he needed to gain merit from had not started yet

He didn't opened his eyes widely, just enough to observe his surroundings while seemingly asleep, there was a blond girl looking at him worriedly and a troubled looking young man next to her

It was easy to hear them talking, the wind carried the sounds to his ear, a gentle breeze brushing against his ear told him all he needed

That said,Kim rok soo would appreciate it much more if they didn't try to wake him up, being worried for him was very very enough for him, the other man though looked apprehensive of the suggestion and a bit scared

His scars and bulky build would probably attribute to that, Kim rok soo closed his eyes and rested, basking in the busy atmosphere of the train, despite not being a people person it was somewhat nice to be around people who were not actively trying to kill you again

And the lights went out, the train stopped with a metallic sound and the announcer made a disturbing announcement

Heaving a long sigh, Kim rok soo closed his eyes and really tried to actually sleep this time

'The apocalypse really started right away?'

He had the sudden urge to just sleep and die, but shook his head lightly, then he heard a voice

[The free service of planetary system 8613 has been terminated]

'Is it a system? Weird choice for an apocalypse'

Out of the many worlds Kim rok soo has visited none ever had a system-esque apocalypse before

[The main scenario has started]

There was small fluffy creature floating, something about it didn't seem as innocent as it appeared

Kim rok soo promptly decided he did not want to deal with this and closed his eyes, he heard the thing (which was apparently a 'dokkaebi' as he heard from another passenger's murmurs) speak about scenarios and the like

And then a scream

His eyes shot open and saw a body without a head and blood splattered all over, and decided to close it again

'yep, not dealing with this for now'

He quietly listened as the 'dokkaebi' started rambling, it talked about how everyone have a nice and easy life without paying for anything, and an intrusive thought crossed Kim rok soo's mind

'Should i kill this thing? Can i kill it?'

He flicked his hands in an attempt to create a rosegold thunder

Tsut tsut tsut

[The probability of the scenario resists the usage of the skill 'Fire of Destruction' ]

'Huh? Probability? Is that a way of balancing things? This really feels like a game, im pretty sure i can force my way through this and kill the dokkaebi but..'
the sparks of probability started to go away, the red head slowly clenched and unclenched his fist 'it'll hurt a lot'

The dokkaebi, stared at him for a split second in disbelief, and shook his head as if brushing off something and continued speaking

[Phew, the debt is piling up during the time when you are noisy. Well, yes. Rather than explain it a hundred times, isn’t it quicker for you to make money yourself?]
The dokkaebi’s horns rose like they were antennas, and its body floated to the ceiling of the train.

A moment later, a message rang out.
[#BI-7623 channel is open.]
[The constellations have entered.]
A small window emerged in front of everyone’s blank eyes.
[The main scenario has arrived!]
[Main Scenario #1 – Proof of Value]
Category: Main
Difficulty: F
Clear Conditions: Kill one or more creatures.
Time Limit: 30 minutes
Compensation: 300 coins
Failure: Death
The dokkaebi smiled faintly as it became transparent and disappeared into the next space.
[Then, good luck everyone. Please show me an interesting story.]

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