Chapter 3: The first scenario

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People reacted differently, some tried to pry the doors of the train open, some tried calling the police, Kim Rok Soo observed them

There was one irregularity though, the man who looked at him reluctantly earlier, ( 'Dokja-ssi' the woman had called him)

He looked calm, excited even, as if he was seeing something he'd always loved come to life, he didnt seem aware of his own feelings though, and kim rok soo did not know if that was good or bad

He calmed down the woman he was with,( 'Sanga-ssi', he silently noted)

Exactly 5 minutes after, someone stepped out

"Come on, everybody! Everybody calm down. Start breathing calmly."

He was a sturdy man with short hair, taller than the average height.

"Are you calm yet? Please stop your actions and pay attention to me for a moment."

The people sobbing or making calls stopped. Once everyone's eyes were gathered on him, the man opened his mouth again,

"As you know, in the event of a national disaster, small disturbances can cause large human casualties. That's why I will now control the situation."

"What, who are you?"

"A national disaster situation? What are you saying?"

Some people belatedly recovered and strongly resisted the word 'control.' Then the young man pulled a government official card out of his wallet.

"I am currently an army lieutenant serving in the 6502 unit."

Some people's faces became relieved. "A soldier, he is a soldier."

'He's only a common soldier' Kim Rok Soo thought in a passing

He went on about how he received a message from his unit, and kim rok soo stopped paying attention to the commotion simply wanting it to pass quickly

Noisy, unwanted minutes passed and the Dokkaebi was back and spoke about some nonsense but all kim rok soo could pay attention to was the last message

[The remaining time has been decreased by 10 minutes.]

The panic rose and the people clutched and clung to the soldier ( 'lee hyunsung' his mind helpfully supplied)

[If the first killing doesn't occur within the next five minutes, all lives in that carriage will be wiped out.]

Kim rok soo briefly wondered if he should secure the first kill but decided otherwise

'It would attract too much attention and possibly hostility from other passengers'

Some people were already eyeing him with suspicious looks, craning their neck to look at every small movement he made

The looks though, were very easily distracted by a commotion on the neighbouring train carriage, someone screamed about murder and people gathered to try and block the door to the other carriage

And soon a lanky brat with white hair came out and spoke some chunnibyo things, the badge on his uniform wrote the words 'Kim Namwoon'

Kim Namwoon started to attack a helpless grandmother and everyone looked hesitant to step up until a middle aged man stepped forward but ultimately failed to stop the assault anyways, instead Kim Nawoon incited more people to join him

Suddenly the train shook, and then Kim Dokja came flying and kicked down kim namwoon amd introduced the idea of killing grasshoppers

'Hoh? Killing bugs? The youngster got a brain on his head'

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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