In The Lab

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One afternoon you go back to work in the lab to mix chemicals. You see Winston alone and you decide to wave at him
"greetings y/n!" Winston notices you and runs over and gives a big winton hug.
"Heh! Hey winton!" you say to winton with a big smile on your face.
You then go to do your work and winton goes to eat peanut butter.
Winton goes back to work after you say you found something really sus (amogus) and winton helps you out.
"this is awesome! Hold on. Im gonna go get some water to grow this thing out." winton takes a glass and goes to the sink and you go with winton and... Winton trips over! You dont notice and walk to winton with a broom and it slips in wintons asshole. Oh man! Winton turns Red and hor- embarrased and hopes to die.
Winton shouts OUT " AEAEAEAEAEAAEAAEAEAEAEAEAEEAAAAAAAAAAAA" you stare at winton in shock and then you realize you just shat yourself...

To be continued...
Im suicidal because of this

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