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Laying on her bed she keeps thinking why I can't do anything in my life. Questioning her self her Life cause she is an overthinker. Well was not an overthinker untill she suffered from Depression... because of her hopelessness in her life. Just thinking what if I was not born in Pakistan...bla bla bla sometimes even she can't understand her feelings & her own overthinking....
She is an Online Worker but she is just doing it as her hobby so that she can get enough money for her own expenses. But this hobby is not very interesting. So Just to pass her time in a good way along with her hobby which is hella boring she installed an app where there are Korean people & many other international nations.
But she is not that die heart fan of Korean man but she do thinks of them as handsome & dashing man...
Sunghoon on the other side is a serious type guy but he is funny too occasionally. He has a group of close friends. One is his female Korean bestie & the other one is her Indian friend he met in his university. Others are two guys. His indian vaishna friend invited him on that app.
Sunghoon got all the attention soon he entered the app. He is funny, handsome, respectable & the most important he is Korean. Haha the effects of Korean wave.
Ayat was present on that app before Sunghoon. But she got in to heated argument with a Korean there & everyone started ignoring her cause she messed up with a Korean there. Well she doesn't care & still using the app. Just passing her time whenever she is doing her online
work. There she met an Indian girl younger than her. They both started to become friends. Ayat & Sanika both were enjoying eachother's company.
They were vining together very well & their bond started to become more stronger.
Ayat have just one friend Sanika. She started talking with Sunghoon too. They both become good friends. Sanika started to invite Ayat too at the same time as Sunghoon & her are talking together.
Ayat has a Good Sense of humour. She is Sarcastic & Smart. As soon as she entered in their group every person there started liking her.
Sunghoon & Ayat were vibing together because of their matching vibes. Ayat was making him laugh Soo much with her sense of humor & he was having a good time with her.

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