Love Language pt2

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You wiped your hands on the napkin that was draped over your lap during dinner, folding it nicely before setting it down on the table.

"Ready to get on?" Pedro asked, eyes peering over his glasses to you. You nodded, beginning to scoot from your chair. Pedro practically bolted from his seat and around the table, standing at the back of your chair to help pulling it from under the table just like he helped scoot you up before dinner began.

"Am I crippled tonight or something?" You laughed, brows pinched together in confusion, a small giggle coming out.

"Am I not allowed to be a gentleman mi amor?" He tisked, the corner of his mouth upturned before the whole thing turned into a smile.

"Never said that was the case, just not used to your chivalry." You laughed back, a look of surprise on your face when he handed you your bag.

"Wow, now all of the sudden I hate women. Cmon, we're going to the clubs." He dragged out the word club to make you laugh.

"Damn, I sure as hell never said that either mi Pedrito." You threw up your hands as a joke, letting them fall back against your thighs with a slap. Pedro put his hand on your lower back to guide you out of the restaurant.


"So how do you expect us to get home? You drove and you've already had a drink?"

It was hard to hear over the music of the club. Bass booming so loud you figured your ears were already shot. And the booming music and screaming people to talk over the booming music made having a conversation with Pedro even harder.

He smiled at you calling it home, swaying to the music with the almost empty cup in his hands.

"Well, I'm going to have two waters after this and once I've finished them I'm going to drive us."

The two of you stood in close proximity with one another, just to compensate for the lack of hearing friendly songs playing. The both of you bouncing along to the music together. You could practically feel the heat radiating off of his skin.

You gave him a pensive look, watching his eyes scan your face to connect with what you were thinking.

"You keep drinking, mi amor. No reason for you to stop the party before I get us home safely. I'll pick back up when we get home."

You nodded, letting his words process.

"You trying to give me a hangover tomorrow?"

He laughed loudly, shaking his head.

"Nope, just trying to give you a good time. I'll be right back I'm going to get a water."

You nodded, Pedro beginning to swivel on his heels in direction of the bar.

"Wait! Bring me back something! Surprise me!"

"I always try!" He shouted back.

You watched him walk farther away, a pep in his step as he moved with the music to the bar. That was probably your favorite part about him. His dancing.

Pedro was a male go-go dancer for a period of time when he was younger, and that beautiful flare followed him his entire life. He would often dance without the presence of music, swaying his body and hips in every which way. You couldn't say it was performative, his dancing, just for fun mostly. And it sure was a hell of a lot of fun watching him goof off. He always carried an air about him when he danced. Eyes almost closed from the biggest smile on his face, his frantic and expressive movements of his eyebrows. He was just so happy. The happiness that flowed from him as he moved his body in silly little ways was contagious to the people around him. That's where one of your most coined nick names for him came from. "Happy Feet."

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