Protective- Javier Peña

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"Those are bad for you Javi."

A variation of the phrase came from your mouth almost every day, walking into work to see Javier doing what he always does. Looking pensively at his paperwork with a lit cigarette hanging loosely from his lips.

You plucked it from his mouth as you walked by, like usual, sticking it in your own and taking a deep drag.

"I spend probably twice as much on those things cause you're a thief." He rebutted, looking up from the papers strewn on his desk through his brows. He watched you saunter past his desk to your own, the three desks pushed together in a clump.

"And I don't spend anything. That's the glory of this situation." You laughed smugly, giving him a playfully innocent smile.

"So what's on the agenda today?" You asked, watching Steve make his way over. He sat on the edge of his desk, giving you a kind greeting.

"Got some new information from an informant. We're looking into that today." Javier pushed papers on his desk into a pile.

"So that wasn't the pay-per-view channel last night." You suggested, hearing Steve laugh in response and Javier roll his eyes.

"Don't be upset it wasn't you princessa." He spoke with a smirk.

"In your fucking dreams, Javi." You shot back in spanish.

"You have two options here, fuck her already, or shut the fuck up and stop flirting." Steve interrupted.

"You don't understand, Murph. There's a thrill here, and you have a wife. It's no one's fault but your own that you're missing out." You scooted your desk chair back, standing up quickly.

"Now if you'll excuse me gentleman, I have to piss like a racehorse." You leaned forward to Javier's desk, offering the half smoked cigarette back to him. He took it and set it in his lips.

You turned quickly on your heel, both men scoffing jokingly. You made an extra effort to sway your hips dramatically, hearing Javier laugh quietly the farther you got away.

It was nice, being on a team with men. Especially one that finally took you seriously. You were used to being treated like a receptionist, specifically before you were assigned to join Steve and Javier. None of the other men you were paired with ever took your efforts to stop drug abuse or transportation seriously. You were a lady in the 80's, most men still believed you had to be at home tending to the kids and cooking dinner.

Before truly getting to know you, both Steve and Javier treated you with respect. They listened to what you had to say, using manners in regard to your presence. You finally broke one day, telling them you weren't some fragile lady. They can still be respectful and treat you like a regular working person.

You'd been hunting down Pablo Escobar for what felt like years now, the infamous drug trafficker always seemed to be two steps ahead and it appeared the DEA was only taking steps backwards.

Every lead turned into a dead end, any information was relayed back to Pablo quicker than you could make a plan of execution due to how many government officials he was paying.

It was a tiring and endless war to catch the criminal and his mafia team.

His sicaros walked the streets of Bogota with ears like elephants, hearing any piece of information against their boss. And when he sicced a hit man on Steve and Connie's cat, things became serious.

Steve and Javier were mumbling to one another when you returned from the restroom, clearing their throats when you sat back down.

"Well if you're gonna talk about me, don't do it behind my back."

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