don't take his hand

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don't take his hand / how it all started

The first time bellatrix song met the devil a century was dying.
it was the thirty-first december of nineteen ninety-nine, exactly one hour before a new year would be born. new orleans and its many celebrations were barely visible through the thick fog that embraced it, the air bitingly cold. the night felt somewhat unnatural as if the city was holding its breath in anticipation, waiting for something ( someone )— the people forgotten in the wake of whatever was coming. 

bad decisions always seemed easier on nights like these— new orleans had a way of bringing the right ( wrong ) kind of people together at the exact moment these people needed to meet. the devil found the right moment— when bellatrix was painted in blood, numb to the world around her.

it came as no surprise that she took his deal. he knew how to guide the conversation in a way only he could, he knew which strings to pull so they would hit a nerve. it didn't help her either that he looked as if he held the world in his hands and that he would extend it to her too if only she proved to him that she was worth it. if only she would give him her loyalty in return. it didn't feel like much for bellatrix at that moment, but the truth is that if you make a deal with the devil, he takes everything from you. he will start with small things, that you know you can give without hesitation, but his hunger can never be satiated with those. and if you don't give him what he wants, then he is going to take it. either by manipulation or by violence, never in between. there is no middle ground with him and your pathetic attempts to find one only make you more his in ways that he knows exactly how to exploit.

so now you took his hand. and there is no going back from that.

blood in the water / klaus mikaelsonΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα