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Some people say we humans once lived on the surface of this earth we live in.

There are artworks of a "sun" and "the sea" people use to prove that something is out there.
That we were once out there.
But all of that is made up to allow us to dream.
I have no idea what might be lurking over us.
If there is anything other than us.

My name is Connor and I am a medical intern from MH-SRB the "Medical and Human Scientific Research Branch" based in sector Delta. The people here aren't that good when it comes to naming things. Me being an exception of course.

The place I live in is called "The Rabbits Entrance" with a floor named "Rabbit Hole" under it. The word Entrance in this place's name only caused trouble for the folks living here. It sparks hope that there is actually something out there. Others think of it as an entrance to something bigger out there! For me, this entrance means someone came in but can't get out, since it's an entrance and not an exit...

A childhood dream of mine was to once go out of that giant door and see the overworld but my and the dream of many others got shut down a long time ago. SNAKE was a group with the mission to investigate the outer world and come back with reports. It's been then years and they still haven't come back.

People say they surely died out there which is why the door may be forever shut now... the scientists and doctors in my sector whisper something else.

"They keep our doors shut to make sure this city stays as it is and no one flees to a better life."

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