The Build Up

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    The alarm clock went of in the roon of a green haired freckled boy. It was 5:00am just when he would usually wake up to have time to train and make his very own special brewed coffee. He would brew a pot of this every morning so that after he was finished training he would have an extra boost of energy thoughout the day.  He used special coffee beans to make his special coffee.   It was his secret to smilling throughout the day. He put on his green hoodie and red sneakers and ran out the door. It was a lovely day outside untill the clouds got all dark. Deku didn't think much of it because he was already half way through his one hour run and it had been sunny out the whole time. It was untill he felt tiny drops of rain before he realised he screwed up. He didn't bring an umbrella, and it started to rain harder each passing minute. At this point it was raining cats and dogs out, but Deku was still 15 minutes away from the UA dorms. If he used his quirk now he would end up ther in about five, but he was already soaked, and exausted.   He dicided to use his quirk anyways besides he made a pot of coffee at home for him to enjoy. He ran at lightning speed and within 5 minutes he was there, cold and all. He sniffled a bit when he came in. 


           "MIDORIA!!!" Lida proceeds to say after seeing the tired look on Midorias face, " Why were you running in the rain and at such an hour!??? You know this is why you should check the weather for-."

  Izuku cuts Lida off and says, " I did check the weather forcast and it said it was going to be sunny all day, I didn't plan for it to be raining. So if you'll execuse me im going to get changed."

It as only the start of the day and after this unfortunate event Izuku is already a little irritated, but he remembers after he got changed that he had made his special coffee. He is exited to have his cup of coffee as always just when he sees the entire class 1-A drinking coffee. He wasn't sure if it was his or not until...

      " Hey Deku!" A brunnet called Uraraka had said to him from the counter of the kitchen. She wore a smile as bright as the sun, but what was she drinking?

    " Hey Uraraka," He looks at what is in the mug and decides to ask her, " Whats in the mug?" He proceeds to ask.

     " Oh its coffee, there was some left in the pot!" She explained." Are you okay? Your hair is a little messier than usual, and you have circles around your eyes."

     He ignored her sympathy comment. Although Izuku should have been mad, he wasn't. although he was getting to the point where he wouldn't be so nice. The reason why he wasn't mad is because he had made more coffee than he needed for himself. So he proceeded to get himself some needed boost of energy. But when he looks at the pot that was once brewed. He then realized why the entire class 1-A were holding mugs. 

    " Did you guys use my coffee," He said trying to keep a smile on on his face but it looked like he was just alerted of a big downer.

     " Um yeah it like awsome, thanks for letting us use it." Denki said sitting in the common area.

      Deku let out a soft growl, and then looked in the cabinet where he keeps him special blend. To his suprise there was none left. There was surely some when he left this morning, so why was there none now?

     " Where did my coffee grounds go? " He said whith a stuggling smile on his face.

     " Class 1-B ran out so we gave them some to borrow." Mina explained as she sipped on Midoria's coffee.

    Now Deku was mad, the attempted smile on his face was gone. He was not having it today, it was only 8:00 and he felt as if he had been sleep deprived for 100 years! He was not at the point where he was going to have a freak out on them so he just put on his red sneakers and headed to class, although he may not have realized it but he slammed the door while he got out of the UA dorms. He was early so he placed his head on his desk and attempted to forget about all that has happened today.

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