18 Words That Can Ruin The World.

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ILL FUCKING KILL YOU!" Bakugo screamed.

" Yeah? Thats not very hero like, and you are in no position to tell me what you can do. I can ruin your reputation in 18 words." Deku whispered loudly.

Now everyone was curious on what they were talking about. Was it part of Deku's plan to  do this to Bakugo, was Deku actually angry? Bakugo knew exactly what those words were, and he knew that Deku was angry. He knew that if he moved one more time hed be a goner, but he was to stubborn to admit defeat. He fired some large, NO huge explosions at Izuku, But Izuku was to focused on winning. He pulled bakugo up by the collar using only 5% of one for all.

" Do you remember those words?" Deku said in a stern voice, Bakugo was squirming, but didn't  say a single word. " DO YOU REMEMBER THOSE DAMN 18 WORDS YOU SAID TO ME YOU LITTLE TWAT! " The room was as silent as the screams they had inside. " Do you remember when you told me to take a swan dive off the roof of the building, Bakugo?" If you could read minds, you would find that everyones brain had gone blank. What did Deku just say? Everyone had just begun to comprehend what Deku had just said. Bakugo also begun to go quiet. " Pathetic, look who's the loser now." Deku had had enough with bakugo but didn't let him go." Don't think that you are better than me just because of what happened in the past!" Deku still had him up to the ceilling by the collar, so Bakugo didn't say anything in the fear of being humilliated. There was a bit of blood on Bakugo's face but nothing to serious. Even though everyone knew Deku had won Deku kept talking. " You know what, I know you try and look tough because of all the strong quirks, and people here at UA." Bakugo's face looked shocked, as if his life had flashed before his very eyes. "You're scared you will fall behind and be left in the dust, because everyone is just as strong as you , if not stronger. So you want to keep pretending to be tough when in reality you are just scared evryone will forget about you." 

Bakugo was shocked, nobody had ever figured him out before. Everyone looked worried, just when Mr Aizawa walked in with Lida. Aizawa had immediatly used his quirk on the two of them, so nobody could use their quirks anymore. Aizawa and everyone else had thought that the only reason Izuku was able to keep him up like that was because he was using his quirk. Oh they were sadly mistaken when Bakugo remained in the air. Aizawa seemed the most shocked of them all.

"Now Bakugo, I want you to know that I WILL always have the upper hand over you, and that when I say stop, I mean stop. A lesson you obviously never learned back in middle school. Now FUCK OFF BEFORE THIS HAPPENS AGAIN. Got it?" Bakugo nodded his head vigorourisly and Deku let go. Bakugo fell on the ground and gasped for air. Aizawa didn't know what to do, he had never seen Izuku angry. He immediatly rushed bakugo out of the room and to recovery girls office withought saying a word to Izuku.


Izuku went back to his desk and right before he placed his head on the desk he said," Neither is attempted murder Lida. Far worse to what I did."

Lida shut up he knew that Izuku knew about that, but he didnt't think that he would ever use it against him. Everyone made a mental note to themselves to never mess with Deku on his bad days. They were scared to death. Aizawa came back into the room and escorted Izuku to the principals office.

Nezu was smiling, but inside he was a bit scared of the look on Izukus face. " Midoria you know what you did was unexeptable right?" Izuku nodded,amd Nezu continued" But we also heard the things he said to you and he will be greatly punished. As for you , you will have today off, and if you need another day to cool off that will be exeptable. Now you may go to the dorms and study there please."

Izuku should have cared that he was basically suspended for 2 days, but he didn't. AND on top of that Bakugo is being greatly punished. Deku wasn't sad, or mad, he was thrilled that Bakugo was finally getting what he deserved.

Bakugo ended up having  to do sensitivity training 2 times aweek, and anger management 3 times a week, And he hated it, and when Bakugo brought it up infront of Deku, Deku would just laugh. Because now everyone know 5 things about Deku, and why you shoulden't mess with him on his off days.

One: He will get angry as fuck.

Two: He will have something against you in his notebook no matter who you are.

Three:  Don't take his coffee.

Four: He is insanely strong .

Last but not least five: DON"T MESS WITH DEKU!


That was the end of this MHA Fanfic, But recomend whatyou guys would like to see next of a MHA fanfic!

By: O.F

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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