Chapter One

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Jaehaera sat beside her mother, Queen Aemma as her older sister Rhaenyra walked into the room.

"Rhaenyra, you know I don't like you or your sister flying when I'm in this condition." Their mother said, her voice laced with pain.

"You don't like us flying when you're in any condition, Mother."  Rhaenyra laughed, nodding to Jaehaera. The younger sister nodded back, a smile growing on her lips as she saw Alicent walk into the room.

"Your Grace," Alicent said as a welcoming.

"Good Morrow, Alicent." Aemma responded, smiling as she looked at her. Aemma knew about Jaehaera's infatuation with Alicent, so she made sure to respect the Hightower girl, all to please her youngest daughter.

"Good Morning, Ali." Jaehaera smiled, getting up to hug her. Alicent returned the hug, but was hesitant to do so in front of Rhaenyra.

Rhaenyra looked at the girls, with nothing but a smile on her face. She was happy that Jaehaera liked Alicent, because Jaehaera never spent any time with anyone other then her dragon, their mother and Jaehaera's personal guard, Ser Braedan Storm.

And, speaking of Ser Braedan, he walked into the room. "My Queen," He said, nodding to Aemma, "My Princesses.

"The King has requested that the Princess Jaehaera come to the Throne Room at once. He wishes to speak with her."

Jaehaera smiled at him, before turing to look at her mother. "Will you be alright while I'm gone?"

Aemma smiled, "Of Course, I will have Rhaenyra to bicker with now."

Jaehaera laughed and followed Ser Braedan out of her mothers chambers.

Jaehaera pushed into his side, "Why do you seem in a bad mood?"

Braedan looked at her, "Why does it seem like I'm in a bad mood?" He asked, even though he knew why she asked him that. He wasn't wearing the sigil Jaehaera made him. It was of a mighty storm as the sea beneath it thrashed. She had added on a tiny touch to it after he first took it off, a hidden dragon flying over the sea as the storm raged. A symbol of how he was sworn to her, the Princess of the Seven Kingdoms. A Targaryen.

Jaehaera stopped him, she grabbed his arm and looked up at him, "Did someone say something about the sigil I made you? Did they call you a bastard? I can ask my father to have them removed from the guard if you want-"

Braedan cut her off, "No, Jaehaera. It's not that. It's just," He sighed as he looked down at her. She nodded up at him for him to continue. "It's Just with the tourney coming up tomorrow, I feel that it is inappropriate for me to wear the sigil you made me when I am merely just a bastard."

Jaehaera stared at him, he just looked down at her. She sighed, "I understand. But, as your princess, I want you to wear the sigil. Show the others that you are my sworn guard and that you are proud of who you are. And as your friend, I understand why you wouldn't want to. And I am not going to pressure you into wearing it if you do not feel comfortable wearing it."

Braedan smiled at her before nodding. He began walking as Jaehaera walked beside him, he heard Vermithor roaring from the pits. Jaehaera looked out the window. She sighed, "I took him out flying not even an hour ago. He must be bored to tears if he is that impatient."

Braedan laughed as they continued on to the Throne Room, he opened the doors just after they arrived.

He walked her into the Throne Room, where he father was waiting.

"My King, Your daughter. The Princess Jaehaera Targaryen." He stated as she walked in beside him.

Viserys looked over at her, and then to Ser Braedan. "Thank you, Ser Braedan. You may leave."

He nodded his head at the king before looking at Jaehaera. She smiled and nodded at him as well. With that, he left the room. Just as the doors closed, Viserys spoke up.

"Jaehaera, You are aware of your duties to this Kingdom, are you?"

Jaehaera walked up to her father, confusion drawing over her face. "Of Course I am, Father."

"And you are aware, that as apart of those duties, you must secure a marriage that will benefit this kingdom and those who live in it?"

Jaehaera looked up at her father with concern writen all over her face, "Of course I am, Father. Why are you asking such questions? Unless you plan-"

She cut herself off as she realised what he was implying. She looked at the ground.

"A marriage between our house and another could secure you a better life. And it is your duty as my daughter, and as princess of the Seven Kingdoms." Viserys stated, trying his best not to fail to speak the words that he will eventually say to her. Jaehaera was his youngest, and he was certainly not pleased with how he was giving her to a man nearly 20 years her senior. But this was essential if he wanted to secure this alliance.

Jaehaera looked up at him, tear filling her eyes as she asked quietly, "Who are you suggesting?"

Viserys looked down at her, he nearly stated that this would not happen as he saw her tears, but he continued on as he said "Lord Jason Lannister. This marriage would secure House Lannister to our side, something we desperately will need."

Jaehaera stood there, shocked. How could he suggest a man nearly 20 years older than her? A man who has already had many wives? She turned away from her father and walked towards the window. She looked down on King's Landing and couldn't help but wonder what would happen if she refused this proposal.

"And if I refuse?" She spoke after a few minutes of silence. Viserys, who had walked over to stand beside during that silence, looked at her.

"The Lannister's stated that if you refused, they would rebel against us. And that they would take King's Landing during the rebel."

Jaehaera turned to him, "Those words are treasonous, You could have them executed for that. Why must I marry Jason if you could just execute him?"

Viserys stared at her, "Because it would start a rebel in Casterly Rock. Something we can not afford."

Jaehaera walked away from the window and stood before the throne. She touched the side of the throne and felt a familiar pressence yet a distant one. Viserys just watched her, hoping she would accept the proposal.

She turned to him after a minute, with nothing but determination writen on her face.

"You may write to Lord Jason, saying that I agree to the proposal. And that I would however, like to be wed to him before the next full moon. I do not want to waste time planning this extravagent wedding when I will be busy with my mother and the sibling she gives me."

Viserys smiled, he looked into her eyes and saw that she was not kidding about her demands.

"Do you have anymore requests I should inform Lord Jason of about your marriage?" He asked, curious.

Jaehaera walked down the steps, saying, "Any children I bare him will take the Targaryen name, and they will not be Lannisters. I will be the one to name them, and Jason has no say in the matter. As for Vermithor, he will be allowed to roam free so that he may grow bigger and stronger. A nesting area must be built for him for when he rests. And, as for visiting my family, I am allowed to do so without any disagreement from anyone."

Viserys nodded. He would have to write all of this down.

Just as Jaehaera reached him, Ser Harrold Westerling entered the room. He said to her father, "The council is waiting, My King."

Viserys nodded, he turned back to look at Jaehaera but she was already leaving the room.

Brushing past Ser Harrold, Jaehaera headed to her dragon.

She needed the next month to be in freedom, because in 4 weeks, Jaehaera Targaryen would be married to Lord Jason Lannister.

Hey Guys! Sorry for the late update! A lot of stuff is happening in my personal life and it has been difficult to find time to write, but here is chapter one! Hope you Enjoy!

The Targaryen Dove // Alicent HightowerWhere stories live. Discover now