A Garden Maze and Classic

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I'm sorry for not updating for so long...

So, I would make a story which Quill will meet Classic! Sans from Original UnderTale.

And maybe meeting Chara by any chance?
( It's not gonna happen anyway )

Let's begin!
Quill was done with decorating his new Doodle Sphere.

His home that was also a sacred library,

A large and beautiful garden or maze- filled with flowers, herbs, fruits and vegetables that are around the home.

To be exact, his home located at the middle of the garden.

He clearly got used about this, even though it really look like a maze to anyone who walk to his home.

Why? Because he could litterly teleport back to his home with ease. Also, he have a map of his whole Doodle Sphere with him.

He also create many more places in the Doodle Sphere.
(you would got to know about them in the future)

And he got nothing to do now except starting create an au and checking up on the multiverse.

" I don't want to create an au..." Quill pout as he doesn't want to fulfill his job.

"Alright, maybe visiting UnderTale wouldn't be bad." Quill said to himself while picking up Nebula, putting her on his hat.

Teleporting inside the sacred library, he opened the book with UnderTale written on the front cover of the book.

He pressed the option 'MAIN MENU' and then option ' VISIT ' and the book suddenly float by itself and fleeing fast to the centre of the library.

Quill chased over the book.

The book lands at the reading stall (or whatever you call it), a dim  light appear  from the book and a portal appear in front of it.

Quill look at it with astonishment as he glanced at Nebula doing the same as him.

" Let's go meet Sans, Papyrus and Frisk. Shall we?" Nebula nodded as they entered the portal.

The moment he entered the portal,  he felt like falling in a deep hole but with dim blue light brighten the space.

Quill look over to Nebula to see that she was panicking about the sudden high of air pressure.

Quill pat her body to calm her down which she does.

After a minute later, they both land on a pile of snow. At least it lessen the impact of falling earlier.

Quill and Nebula rose their head up from the snow. What a luck.

Quill was sure that he heard familiar voices that seems like playing snowball fight but it was strangely stopped in the moment when you both fell earlier.

"Who are you?"

Quill looked over to the voice to finds Sans staring at him suspiciously.

Quill freed himself from the huge pile of snow 🌨️  and grab Nebula off the snow too.

"I'm Quill, the creator and protector of Alternate Universes and this is Nebula, my precious companion."

He can't tell them his actual status because he not yet creating any alternate universe.

Beside Sans, there is also Frisk and Papyrus and maybe Chara being a ghost.

Quill can't see Chara but it doesn't mean Nebula can't see them too.

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