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"You said yes to both of them?! How the hell do you plan on being in two places at once!"

"I don't know Hyung. I'll just do one and then do the other."


Jimin looked down at his phone. He was at Hoseok's house. He was supposed to go and see these men later in the night. The phone showed him a message from the man from the bar. He was asking if they could reschedule because he was actually too busy to meet. Jimin asked when the new date would be. The response was instant. He would have to wait a day or two. In the meantime him and Hoseok could gossip for hours on end about whatever they could imagine. Truth be told they reverted to high school girls with crushes and would gossip about boys.

"Think of it this way Chim, you were faithful yes. But the amount of people that would get on their knees for you with one word is unbelievable. You're like a god. You got this."

He believed his friend for most of his speech. The god part seemed a bit too far fetched though. And maybe the knees part. But he still knew that he was a catch. He just didn't know how good he was at the whole dating scene anymore. Sure these men wanted him but it doesn't take much to spook people off. One slip up and you're deemed a weirdo. What if the friend-zone became a major part of his dating life. That would not be a confidence booster.

Jimin woke up and bottles clanked around him. God he knew he shouldn't of started drinking with his friend. He fumbled for his phone and when he finally found it and clicked it on the light blinded him. Once he had adjusted he looked at the time and his eyes became the size of saucers. He was late. He grabbed his stuff as fast as he could and ran out the door, he almost bumped into Hoseok's boyfriend on the way out the door who was just arriving. "Yeah he's passed out somewhere, I'm late I gotta go, bye Yoongi!" The older male just shrugged and went inside.

He ran the whole way to what the meeting point was. He looked at his phone and saw that he was at least an hour late. He hoped the man would still be there. The chances were very slim but he still hoped. He looked around the area. It was right outside of a park. How safe it was to be near a poorly lit park so late at night was up in the air. He could get robbed. But still he looked. With phone in hand he started to hit call but was stopped by a voice.

"No mask?"

The question was so sudden that Jimin couldn't help himself. He just turned to the man before he realized his mistake. "Oh shit." but the man was turned facing the other way. Jimin rummaged in his pockets and swore again. The other man pulled a mask from his pocket and handed it over.

"You're welcome."

Once he had it placed securely on his face he turned back to face the man. And all he could mutter at first was "Oh wow." Kim rose an eyebrow and asked what was wrong

"Nothing it's just. You look. Wow."

Kim had his hair pushed back and was wearing a suit, minus the jacket, sleeved rolled up his forearms. He let out a laugh, a deep melodic laugh that filled Jimin's ears so that it was all he could possibly think about in that moment. He continued to stand starstruck for another second before snapping out of it and forming a small smile on his face, even though the other male couldn't see it. He was awkward though and didn't know if he was just supposed to say hi, give a handshake or what. Before he could decide Kim stopped him.

"I have something for you. Come with me."

Kim brought him into the park. They walked quietly down the silent path, hands swaying beside one another. Jimin could nearly not take it until he felt the other male grasp his hand and intertwine their fingers. His heart skipped a beat and they walked for a few minutes before coming up on a canvas. It was covered with a sheet. Jimin stared at it. "You really left this here unattended. What if someone stole it. You're a brave man Kim."

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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