OC's 4/?

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(I have more OCs than [?] but i dont want to draw ones that mean alot less to my AU than others, or my characters moms, dads ect so the final number will be less than expected.)

Troublemakers (Oscar, Calvin, Laurence, Tammy.)

Oscar Fiddle:

Oscar is the antagonist to Tyler(formally known as Tammy)'s story

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Oscar is the antagonist to Tyler(formally known as Tammy)'s story. He lives in the basement to his mom and brother's home, working on robotics and other science related things. He is unrelated to Calvin and Candice and was adopted but refused to change his last name for unknown reasons.

Calvin Victor:

Calvin is Tammy's best friend and a side protagonist to his story, they grew up together and have never left one anothers side

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Calvin is Tammy's best friend and a side protagonist to his story, they grew up together and have never left one anothers side. Calvin loves Oscar(/p) with all of his heart and possibly will teach Oscar the way of the better.

Laurence Hill:

Laurence was found by Tammy and Calvin in a box with his little sister Amber, Laurence and Amber used to be homeless but Calvin's mother had bought them a home and pays rent when it is tough for Laurence through that month

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Laurence was found by Tammy and Calvin in a box with his little sister Amber, Laurence and Amber used to be homeless but Calvin's mother had bought them a home and pays rent when it is tough for Laurence through that month. Laurence is another side protagonist who is often cold, but incredibly warm to people he knows, he may not smile but you can tell when he is happy.

Tyler(Tammy) Johnson

Tyler doesn't use his voice as much and speaks in a small tone or sign language when stressed or overstimulated by mostly how loud it is or if it is too quiet, texture and touch are another common factor

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Tyler doesn't use his voice as much and speaks in a small tone or sign language when stressed or overstimulated by mostly how loud it is or if it is too quiet, texture and touch are another common factor. He laughs loud and talks with his friends at home with an outdoor voice but with family or schoolmates he doesnt. Tammy likes to use his skateboard to and from school, making it hard for Laurence and Calvin to keep up.

Next groups [in order]:

The medievals [1400 BCE] (Felix, Chester, Humphrey, Gladwin,)

The medievals [2018 CE] (Felix, Chester, Humphrey, Gladwin.)

shapes and angels (Zander, Alistair.)

Party Pals (FunSun, Sunshine Star, Pixel, Strawberry Lemonade, Bandit, MiseryMoon)

Unbelievable sass (Reef, Philip, Ash, Ryder, Carlos.)

Squishable (Micheal, Mr Wizard, Racso, Billy the silly, Spot, Bepsi.)

Group name meanings

The medievals(1400 BCE) characters from the medieval times that I prefer to focus on then some other ones. (All from a play, not all mine but ive changed up design and interpreted personalities besides to Felix, Ron and Chester.)

The medievals(2018 CE) the same characters brought to the present day to rest with my other characters.

Shapes and Angels Alistair and Zander sitting in a tree(/j?) two buds, one who never ages as an angel never dies and the others whom immortality is slowly slipping awah as he tries to live a normal life, they rest side by side, teaching classes and chatting to one another on breaks.

Party Pals animatronics that roam in 2018, they have a famous pizza place that is more well known for the deserts and treats than the pizza. There are plushies of them that are buyable.

Unbelievable sass all mostly of my most sassiest characters, Reef (a sassy prince), Philip(a gossip boy who likes to show sass to his mother), Ash(a unicorn who sasses his team and believes he is better), Ryder(doesnt need much detail) and Carlos(formally a cactus turned human what is it you expect, hes gonna be a little prickly).

Squishable idk i feel like id be able to squish the guts out of them (I actually just ran out of names and was stuck with leftovers)

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