Burning up - Eddie Diaz

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TW: Mention injuries involving blood, Post-traumatic stress, and fire

Summary: When Jackie is home alone while her father is at work and her brother is at his friends house. Her house catches on fire when her father accidentally leaves the stove on.

Name: Jackie Diaz
Age: 9

I was peacefully sleeping when I was awoken by my father.

"Hey, wakey wakey." My dad shakes me and I groan turning over.

"5 more minutes." I shift in my bed trying to get comfortable.

"Come on. You can't waste away in your bed all day." My dad try's to reason.

"It's Saturday why not." I drag out my words.

"Well I think it would be best if you wake up and be productive." My dad says and I turn over facing him.

He was already in his uniform and I didn't want him to leave.

"Do you have to leave?" I sit up in bed and lean on the wall for support.

"Yeah, sorry kiddo." He ruffles my hair and I smile wide "So, I have to drop off Christopher at his friends house on my way to work. Do want me to call Carla or are you cool alone?"

"I'm okay alone." I replied.

"Alright. Come on." He reaches out his hand and I get up and walk into the kitchen.

"Morning Chris." I sat next to Christopher at the table as my dad passed out our breakfast.

I ate my breakfast while my dad was getting his stuff together for work. I hate when he goes to work, I miss him a lot but I know he's out there helping people.

"Alright, Chris you ready to go?" My dad asked Christopher.

"Yup." Christopher gets up and grabs his backpack.

"You sure you good here alone Jackie?" My dad puts Christopher back over his shoulders.

"Yeah." I get up from the table and he smiles as I run up to him giving him a hug.

"Okay bye sweetheart." My dad kisses my forehead and leaves for work with Christopher.



In the kitchen Eddie had forgotten to turn off the stove before leaving and it started to spread through the kitchen...


Jackie's pov

I was sitting on the couch watching TV when I smelled something funny, sorta of like smoke? I walked around to see where the smell was coming from and when I walked near the kitchen I saw fire spreading through my house!

I panicked and ran away from the fire.


20 minutes later

The fire was now all around me I was stuck. I saw my dads phone on the counter that he had forgotten and tried to call 911.

"911 what's your emergency?" The operator said.

"Help my house is on fire and I can't breathe!" I say through coughs.

"Okay don't panic my name is Josh I'm going to help you what's you name?" Josh said to me and I tried to ground myself.

"J-Jackie." I stuttered looking around at the flames.

"Okay Jackie do you know your address?" He asked.

"No! I'm only 9!" I coughed more as the smoke was filling my lungs.

"Okay don't worry Jackie we can track your call so that we can send some fire fighters to come and save you." He explains.

"Okay." I was crying and I was so scared, I wish my dad was here.

"Hey Jackie do know if there's any other way out of your house?" He says and I looked around but I was surrounded by flames.

"No! I'm trapped and I can't breathe!" I cough harder.

"Jackie the fire department is on the way I just need you to stay on the phone with me can you do that?" He asked and I nodded.


Soon my coughing kept getting progressively worse and I felt my vision starting to blur and that's the last thing I remember before collapsing.


Eddie's pov

We had arrived at the scene but it was weird because the emergency was at my house? Did something happen to Jackie! We all put on our gas mask to protect us from smoke.

The door was locked so we had to bust it open "Stand back!" Buck busted the door open and we saw flames erupting everywhere.

I walked around and saw a leg sticking out from one of the rooms "I got something!" I shouted.

We all ran over and I saw Jackie. Oh god.

"Jackie! Can you hear me?" I shook her softly she was covered in ash and had burn marks all over.

"Dad?" She said faintly.

"Honey it's me.. we're gonna get you out of here!" The panic raised in my voice, I scooped up my daughter and ran through the flames.

I took off my mask and put it over her face so she could breathe normally.

Buck grabbed a bed for her and I lied her down and loaded her into the ambulance.

I put an oxygen mask over her "listen baby I need you to stay awake. Okay?"

"Dad.. I'm so tired.." her eyes were slowly shutting.

I looked up at Buck who was checking her over.

We made it to the hospital and rolled her in quickly.

"We have a 9 year old girl she is struggling to breathe and has burn marks! Her name is Jackie Diaz and she needs medical assistance immediately!" I shouted and some doctors took her away.

I watch as they take her back and feel so afraid I hope she will be okay.

I pace back and forth waiting to see if my daughter is okay.

"Mr. Diaz?" I heard a nurse say and I looked up "you can come see her now."

I ran past the nurse and saw her In the room with and oxygen tube in her nose and she was bandaged up.

"Dad?" She looks at me.

"Sweetie I'm so glad your okay!" I run to her side holding her hand tightly.

"Me too." She hugged me tightly

"How did this happen?" I asked.

"I really don't know, I smelled smoke and went to see what it was and the kitchen was on fire." She explained.

"Well it's okay I'm just glad your safe and it's all over." I hugged her again.

"I love you dad." She hugged me back.

"I love you too, Mi amor."

1055 words

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