Tick, Tick, Boom - Bobby Nash

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TW: mentions serve injuries

Summary: Olivia Nash was at a party while her father was away and when a bombs goes off and she gets stuck under something she struggles to escape.

Name: Olivia Nash
Age: 15

It was late that night and my dad was at one of his 24 hour shifts. One of my friends had invited me to a party that I knew my dad would not approve of so I decided to sneak out.

Once I had gotten done getting ready I snuck out through the window and saw my friends car parked out by the front

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Once I had gotten done getting ready I snuck out through the window and saw my friends car parked out by the front.

"Hey Soph!" I greeted as I got in the car.

"Hey! I can't believe you actually did that." She snickered and I laughed with her.

"My dad would kill me if he found out." I smiled.

"Your lucky he's a firefighter." She begins the start the car and I nodded putting on some music.

Soon after we had made it to the party and there were about 300 people there. It was loud and there were lights blaring everywhere.

"Hey Soph!" I shouted over the music.

"Yeah!" She answered.

"I'm gonna use the bathroom! Can you hold my phone." I asked and she nodded taking my phone.

As soon as I had made it to the bathroom, I heard this ticking noise but I choose to ignore it. 'Till suddenly a loud BOOM occurred and I lost consciousness.

Bobby's pov

When we made it to the call there were teens swarming all over the place, some were getting taken care of my other station and one girl came running to us.

"Help! Please!" The girl said.

"Ma'am are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yes, I'm okay but my friend is still in the bathroom." She cried.

"Okay what's your name and your friends." Eddie piped in.

"M-My names Sophia and her names Oliva can you please help her." She said and the name Olivia rang through my ears. My Olivia?

"Okay, Eddie Hen go help some people Buck Chim your with me." I ordered.

"Copy that Cap." Hen stated and we all made our way to where the bathroom was.

"LAFD is anyone in there?" I banged on the door.

No answer.

I motioned for Buck to knock down the door, he nodded and did it. As the door opened I saw Olivia on the ground with a piece of wall on her leg and she was covered in burn marks.

"Olivia can you hear us?" I bent down as Chim and Buck checked her out.

"Pulse is study." Chim said.

Buck put an oxygen mask over her face. She soon opened her eyes shooting up.

"Okay, okay calm down your in safe hands." I assured her.

"How are we gonna get this thing off her?" Buck asked.

"Uh.. Chim go get Hen and Eddie and we're gonna lift. Buck keep her concussions.

"Copy that Cap." Buck switched places with me as I went out with Chim.


Olivia's pov

I felt my eyes growing heavy, but Buck held my head softly.

"Hey, hey, hey Olivia I know your tired but you have to stay awake okay?" Buck said and I nodded.

"Am I gonna die?" I asked as the pain in my leg enhanced.

"No, your dad and all of us are gonna get you out of her and your gonna be okay." Buck reasoned.

"Okay, Buck come over here and we're gonna lift on three. Now, Olivia honey I'm not gonna lie this gonna hurt a lot so be ready." My dad says and I nodded preparing for the intense pain.

"Okay, one, two, three." As they all began to lift I screamed in pain and I sobbed hard.

"It's too heavy." Chim sighed.

"We need more people." Buck said and I knew I was gonna die.

Soon I saw a bunch of people from the party run over and help lift it up.

"One, two, three." Everyone lifted and I screamed once again in pain.

They had gotten it off me and I felt my dad scoop me up as Hen wrapped my leg.

"I'm sorry dad." I sobbed.

"Right now I don't care okay. Let's get a gurney over here!" My dad shouted and they placed me on bed as they rolled me out.

"Hey Olivia." Sophia ran over.

"Soph, are you okay?" I asked.

"Shouldn't I be asking you?" She laughed "But yes I'm fine."

"Good." I smiled.

"You're gonna have such a cool scar." Soph looked at my leg.

"Yeah." I signed as they loaded me into the ambulance, I waved to Sophia as the doors shut.


Once all the surgeries were over I had to be on crutches for awhile since my leg was broken but I didn't let that stop me.

Yes, I did get grounded for a week after everything but I deserved it. Also I found out the full story. Someone at the party had a bomb on them and placed it in the bathroom for someone, which I don't know who but they accidentally hit the button to set it off while I was in the bathroom.

While I was recovering I got a lot of gifts and cards which was the only upside of everything. My dad and the 118 let me come to the firehouse as well to see the place.

Also Sophia was okay, she just broke her arm and got some damage to her lungs but over all she was much better now. Everyone else at the party just had a few fractures and buries but you could I agree I had the worst injury.

Let's just say I'm not gonna go to another party for a while.

954 words

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2023 ⏰

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