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Hey I'm Jennifer Garrett. I'm an investigator so do my dad was. Yes was until his sudden disappearance. He was working on a case but never told a single thing about it to me. But me being me investigated he was working on a case related to smuggling.

Yes smuggling which is quiet popular in Italy. Indirectly Don Massimo is involved in it.


At headquarter

9:00 am

Jennifer Garrett have reached the headquarter. Currently working in the case which was given to Harold Garrett . And also in the case of her father disappearance. Jennifer along with her colleagues Ash, Ruby, Blake and Ahmed are sitted in a their seats.

"Well, talking about my dad case

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"Well, talking about my dad case. I'm sure his disappearance is related to case of smuggling. " Jennifer says.

"Though there's no proof. " Ash says.
"That we can find out" Ruby says.

"Ahmed track his phone and check his last location. " Jennifer asks.

"His last location is in south of Porto De Salerno ( Italian sea port) and then went switch off." Ahmed replies.

"That's where the smuggling takes place

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"That's where the smuggling takes place." Ruby says.

"Yes and Markus right hand of Don Massimo was also present there." Jennifer says.

"Okay buddies I think things is getting clear slower. Now what do we do with him " Ash said looking behind the mirror.

A guys is sitting there must be in his 20s. Unfortunately got caught during the raiding in the port.

"That we can find out" Says Jennifer.

Jennifer enters the room where the guy is kept.

"So what's your name big guy. " Jennifer ask.

"Jules" Replies the guy.

" Well don't you think that a bit girly" Jennifer says while grinning lightly.

"Just a name lady. " Jules says.

"Ok so enough of the chat let's get serious. So what were you doing at the port. Jules." Says Jennifer looking deadly in his eyes.

"I don't think that concerns you Young Lady. You just want to know if I'm connected to Massimo or not. " Jules says nonchalantly.

"Young lady I know how this system works, you just want one clue against Massimo. " Jules said as he chuckles.

"And I do also know how desperate you are to find your dad. " Jules says.

"Well that's a really good background check you did on me. As you know my purpose big guy let's get straight, answer each question without any ounce of dishonesty. Ruby, Ash " Jennifer said while narrowing her eyes.

Ruby and Ash enters the room.

"Bring lie detector machine and question him. If he lies you know what to do. " Jennifer says.

Jennifer came out of the room as Ruby and Ash starts questioning.

"Ahmed hack his phone and get every bit of information you can. " Says Jennifer to which Ahmed nodded.

"Jennifer your mother called me and told you get home ASAP. " Blake says.

"Why didn't she called me??"

"Because she knows you. " Blake said while grinning.
"Whatever, Blake check the site where dad got disappeared and call me if you
get suspicious about anything. "

"Okayyy Jenniffferrr. " Blake replied nonchalant.

Jennifer laughed at his tactics and left.

At home

It was afternoon when she reached home. She saw her mother in kitchen cooking dishes was like her all day job after her father disappeared. She doesn't want to get lonely. When Jennifer asked her she said "if I just sit idley I will start overthinking which will affect my health.
I have to stay strong for you and your father. I know you will find him. " She said while pulling Jennifer cheeks.

"MRS JUDY GARRETT" (Jennifer's mother) Jennifer says loudly.

"Oh Jane my girl has arrived. Come I've have baked your favourite chocolate tart. "

Jennifer smiles and says "Delicious!!! " While coming towards the dining table.

"Mom why did you called Blake not me. "

"Because I know you. And you leaved early in the morning without informing me. And I also knew you didn't have anything since morning" Judy replied while smiling at her daughter carelessness.

They were having their peaceful while Jennifer phone started ringing.

"Hey Blake any information. " Jennifer ask

"Yes Jennifer and I guess you should see this personally. I'm sharing the location. " Blake replied.

"Okay, I'm coming. " Jennifer said with that she leaves her house and took the tart with her.

At the Site

Jennifer gets out of the car and starts marching towards the location. The first thing that she saw was the wall. But what shook her is the sentence written in the wall.

F*ck the system...

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