Surprise // Sadie Sink

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Summary: After not seeing your girlfriend for almost three months, you decide to surprise her on set.
"Yeah I'm getting on the plane now," you told Millie over facetime. You hadn't seen your girlfriend Sadie in almost three months since you've been travelling for filming and different events. You had called Millie a week ago and told her about your plan, to which she more than happily agreed to help you with.

"Alright call me when you land," she instructed. "I'll be there to pick you up."

"Okay, thanks, Mills," you smiled to the Brit before you said your goodbyes and hung up. You boarded the plane, put your luggage in the overhead compartment and fell into your seat, a large smile plastered across your face.

You had a window seat, so you spent the flight listening to the playlist that you and Sadie had made together and looked out the window.


When you landed, you grabbed your luggage and left the plane, first going to grab a quick snack before facetiming Millie.

"Hey, y/n!" The brunette greeted, sitting in her car. "I just pulled in, sorry I'm late. The Duffers needed me a little longer than expected. I'll be in in a few minutes."

"Alright, cool! I'll meet you by the main entrance. See you in a bit!" You smiled at her before hanging up and continuing through the airport to the entrance.

As soon as you saw Millie, you ran towards her and wrapped her in a hug. "Oh my god, it's been so long!" You exclaim.

"I know, I missed you!" Millie exclaimed back.

You pulled away and Millie took one of your bags and brought it out to her car. You put your things in her trunk before getting into the front seat.

The two of you made conversation about your life the past few months as you went back to Millie's apartment. You planned to stay with Millie for the first night so the two of you could go shopping for Sadie.

When you got back, you put your stuff in Millie's spare room before taking a shower and getting changed into pajamas.

"Alright so I'll take you out tomorrow so you can get something for Sadie," Millie told you. "I don't have to be to set until ten, so that'll spare us a few extra hours.

"Perfect," you said with a large smile.

"You excited to see her?" Millie asked, sitting on the couch next to you.

"Very excited," you told her.

"You know, she talks anout you all the time," the brunette told you with a smile, leaning her arm on the back of the couch.

You look over to her with a smile. "She does?"

Millie nods her head as she smiles at you. "It's all she ever talks about! 'Oh, y/n is going to Paris today!' 'Y/n sent me this shirt from London!' 'Y/n got to go on a week trip around Iceland!'"

You laugh at Millie's examples as she impersonates your girlfriend.

"She really loves you," Millie told you.

You hummed and looked down for a second before looking back up. "And I really love her," you told Millie.

"You guys are so cute together," Millie gushed. "Anyways, I need to go shower, so just make yourself at home. There's snacks in the cupboard next to the fridge if you want anything."

"Okay, thanks, Mills," you smile at her. She walks into the bathroom and you go on your phone, scrolling through Instagram.

A few minutes later, you get a facetime call from Sadie. You smile at your phone before you answer it.

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