First Baby // Sadie Sink

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Summary: Your first baby is born
It was around eight in the morning when Sadie started acting strange. She was nine months pregnant already, but her due date wasn't for another two weeks. She had been feeling crampy and achy since she woke up but brushed it off as nothinthg.

You were concerned, but it quickly turned to panic and excitement when Sadie yelled from upstairs that her water broke. You quickly rushed upstairs to see her. She was sitting on the bed, clutching her stomach as she groaned in pain.

"Oh, honey, are you okay?" You ask, quickly hurrying to her side and taking one of her hands into yours.

"No," she whimpers. "It hurts."

"Okay," you sigh. "C'mon, let's get to the car." You help her stand and carefully leading her down the stairs and out the front door. She slipped on her shoes and went into the passenger seat. "I'll be right back," you tell her, kissing her temple. "I just have to grab the bag and I'll be right out."

Sadie groaned and threw her head back as another contraction hit her. You buckled her seat belt and ran inside to grab the hospital bag you and Sadie packed a few days ago just in case this happened.

You ran back out, throwing the bag into the backseat and quickly getting into the driver's seat, buckling your seat belt and backing out of the driveway. Sadie groaned in pain again and clutched your hand.

"It's okay, my love," you tell her comfortingly. "We'll be there soon."

It was about a 20 minute drive to the hospital. When you got there, you helped Sadie out of the car and walked her through the doors.

When you walked in, the nurse at the desk immediately noticed what was happening. "Do you need a wheelchair?" She asks Sadie.

Sadie quickly nods her head. "Yes, please."

The nurse quickly runs to get a wheelchair and comes back with one. You help Sadie sit down and quickly fill out the papers that the nurse gave you.


You were currently standing by Sadie's side as she grunted and yelled in pain. Sadie clutched your hand and squeezed it. You didn't mind, though. Whatever helped Sadie, you were willing to stand by her the whole time.

"I see the head," one of the nurses said quietly. You heard them, but Sadie didn't, more focused on birthing your child.

"You're doing great, Sades," you tell her, rubbing your thumb over her knuckles. "You're almost there."

You had called your parents and Sadie's parents as soon as you got into the room. Your parents were kind enough to install the carseat for you so you could stay with your wife. Even though you would be in the hospital for another day or so, you didn't want another thing to worry about.

"Almost there," a nurse said to Sadie. "One more big push."

Sadie panted and grunted, pushing one last time before her body relaxed. The crying from your baby brought tears to both yours and Sadie's eyes.

"You did it," you whisper to Sadie with a smile as you kneel down next to her. Sadie smiled back and let out a soft laugh, still trying to regain her breath. She huffed and rested her head on your shoulder. "I'm so proud of you," you tell her. "You're so strong. I love you so much."

You kissed her head as she held on to you for a moment longer before you went over to the baby after she was cleaned off and her vitals were checked.

"A beautiful and healthy baby girl," the doctor smiled at you. You smiled back and looked in the crib to see your daughter crying, wrapped up in a small blanket.

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