Day One

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Izuku comes in for his first day of work, but finds that his job is not as easy as advertised.


Alright, getting these two closer to the main, obvious goal. Please let me know if there are any typos!

Looking up at the sheer height of the building he had been given the address to, Izuku felt nauseous. The thing soared high above him. From here, it felt as if it were piercing the sky. While the bright late-autumn light was beautiful elsewhere, here it bounced off the shimmering surface and blinded him. For half a second he considered turning around and pretending yesterday ever happened.

Izuku pushed past his nerves, stepping forward through the automatic doors. A burst of warm air graced him, which was welcome—as the seasons began to change, the winds had become especially chilly this year. His mother had been on top of him recently, worrying about him catching a cold. But he was a grown man—twenty-five years old, with his own apartment, though it was more like a one room closet. Huffing into his chilled palms, he shook his head and focused on the current moment.

Expecting a sort of general lobby area where he could find a board listing all the different businesses in the building, Izuku was surprised. It was certainly still a lobby, but one entirely dedicated to the Bakugou brand. Everything was sleek, smooth edges, neutral tones with the occasional pop of color. The front desk, the chairs, hell, even the pots plants were in screamed high-end, cutting edge, trendy, all while staying professional. The receptionists at the wide semi-circle desk were dressed to the same standards as the room around him. Midoriya suddenly felt very out of place in his second hand clothes, hand subconsciously reaching down to cover a spot where his button-up was...maybe just a little frayed.

"Ah, excuse me," he walked up to the woman closest to him, timid. The girl, hair a muted shade of purple and wearing rather striking makeup, looked kindly up at him. "Is this whole building for the Bakugou fashion brand?"

"You mean Dynamite?" She gestured to the sign hanging above her, a little amused. Izuku flushed pink, nodding. "Yes sir. What can I help you with today?"

"Uh, my name is Izuku Midoriya. I've been hired on as an assistant to Katsuki Bakugou, I think?"

"Alright," the woman, name tag reading Kyouka Jirou, nodded up at him. "Let me just call him to make sure everything is good."

Izuku stood there, wringing his hands as he watched her pick up the phone. Jirou, on the other hand, seemed completely unconcerned with some shaggy looking guy walking in and claiming to know one of the most famous people in all of Japan. She blew up her bubble gum while waiting for Katsuki to pick up, letting it pop loudly once that familiar tone sounded in her ear. That same deep, rough voice from just yesterday emanated from the device. "What do you want, headphones?"

"Cute, Katsuki. I have one Izuku Midoriya down here. Name ring a bell?"

There was some crinkling on the other end before Bakugou answered. "Yeah he's my new assistant. Give him an access card to my floor and help him with getting an ID before you send him up. Thanks." Click.

"Well," Jiro put the phone back. "Sounds like this is legit. Let's get you your things and then it's time for your first day at work."


Izuku felt the elevator lurch underneath him as it set off towards its goal: the topmost floor. Armed with a shiny new access card and a wobbly-smiled ID displaying his name and position, he felt about as prepared as he could be. Which was completely unprepared in almost every single way. Despite the conversation he had with Kirishima and Katsuki well after he had been drenched in water, he still didn't know what his job really entailed. The most he got was 'time management assistant', and every time those words were said Katsuki seemed annoyed.

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