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"BECCAAA!" Nikki exclaims, excited to see me.
"Heyyyy niksters." I greet her.
"Meet Calum." She introduces me, as she points to the dude with dark hair sitting next to her.

After I was introduced to Calum, we all just talked, we shared laughs, we get along well. I find out Calum and Nikki have English together. They are literally so similar. I'm happy for Nikki. She at least got over her last boyfriend, Nick.

"What do you guys know about that Luke Hemmings kid? Other than that he's the bad boy of the school." I ask, poking at my pasta.

Nikki shifted her weight away from her boyfriend Calum and they turn around, looking at the boy I'm referring to. There is one other person sitting with him there, but they both seem so secluded. They dont even acknowledge anyone around them. They arent eating, just simply staring at other students surrounding them.

It was the same guy from the bus stop. That guy was Luke Hemmings. You would think that after 4 weeks know him better by now, but nope we never did more than exchange a few words with each other.

"Oh him. He's in my history class." Nikki nodded.

"I don't think I've ever seen him until just a couple weeks ago." I craned my head toward Calum and Nikki to get a better look at the boy.

"Whats his deal?" I keep staring at him.

"He doesnt really talk to much people." Nikki shrugged.

"Why? Don't people try to talk to him?" I ask. Despite how annoying and mysterious this boy was, he was insanely attractive. I'm surprised that he doesn't have more friends. He seems like the type that would enjoy girls throwing themselves at him.

"I've never even heard him speak." Nikki sighed. It was unusual for her to not know someone she usually knows everyone she the more popular one from the two of us. I don't even know how we were friends, we're total opposites.

"He's sort of a loner now after what happened last spring." Calum answered.

"What happened last spring?" I ask. Calum looked at me sympathetically then turned around to catch a glimpse at Luke.

"His sister was killed in a car accident . They were really close." Calum spoke softly, licking his lips.

"Who's sister?" Another person joined our conversation, Jake, I think is his name. He is good friends with Calum and only sat with us because of him. I don't mind Jake, I'm usually shy and socially awkward but im trying to change that.

"Luke Hemmings"Calum told him. Jake perked up at the mention of Luke's name and turned around to catch a glimpse of his face.

"He's in my gym class! He always walks and smokes instead of running it with everyone else. The teacher yells at him, like, all the time." Jake chuckled.

"He smokes?" Nikki questioned and Jake and I nodded.

"That's hot." Nikki says.

"Hey." Calum whines and nudged Nikki's shoulder with his own.

"Sorry." She shrugs but eventually turns to Calum and kisses him quickly on the lips.

"That's disgusting" Jake muttered, locking eyes with me.

"Anyway, what about his sister?" Nikki asked.

"She was in my health class, Freshman year, they were really close. It's so sad that happened." Calum replied.

"Oh, her! I remember hearing about that incident. It happened this past spring, over by that park near the gas station." Nikki said as she took a bite of Calum's pizza.

"It was awful." Calum sighed.

"What? Did you see it?" Jake asked. He moved his lunch tray closer to us, permanently joining us for lunch.
Usually he sat at the other end of the table with a few of the other boys that Calum and Jake knew, away from us.

"What? No, it happened like at four in the morning, what would I be doing at four in the morning? I saw a picture in the newspaper." Calums head shot up.

"Since when do you read the paper?" Nikki scoffs.

"Does it matter?" Calum snapped at her.

"So that's why he's so secluded?" I ask. "Because his sister died?"

I thought there could be could be something Luke is hiding, but I'd never imagined that something as his sister dying had happened. I don't blame him for not wanting to associate himself with anyone. If something like that happened to me, I might want to distance myself from everyone else too.

"He doesnt want anything to do with anyone anymore." Jake shrugged.

"I heard that her boyfriend had something to do with it too." Nikki added, flicking a piece of her straight blonde hair off her shoulder.

"Someone told me she was pregnant." Calum added.

"Did I miss something?" I question. "I've never heard anything about this."

I'm sure that if a girl from our school died over the spring break they would have made an announcement about it, right?

"The school didnt want to make a big deal about it since they dont even know who else was involved in it." Jake said.

They didn't even have a moment of silence for her, they didnt make any announcements? Nothing?" I asked. My focus still on Luke across the lunchroom.

"I only heard it from some girl in my creative writing class at the beginning of the year, I don't think the school did anything." Nikki shook her head. She rests her head on Calum's shoulder.

"This is too weird." I mutter under my breath. I came to lunch with one question in mind, now I feel like Im getting mixed up in one some big mystery. This is high school, not some mystery tv show.

"You should try talk to him." Nikki suggested.

I hope y'all like this chapter. this chapter is a filler. Pleasee help vote and tell me your thoughts in the comments it helps. I'd like to know what you think.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 10, 2018 ⏰

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