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He took a step forward and she took one back, and they repeated that three times before Thalias back was against the wall. He leaned down and smelled her hair while smiling.

She always smelt like peaches and lavender, always. And the scent was refreshing and calming towards him. He felt around his pants pockets before pulling out his phone.
"Look up Babe." He said

She followed his orders, as she always was going to be submissive towards him and Mark, and looked up not thinking what he was going to do. He took a picture.
"Mark is gonna be so jealous that I get you first." He had taken a picture to send to mark

She knew that once he told mark there would be no way that she could hide from either of them.

Derek looked down at her before he slightly pulled away so he could put his hand under her shirt. "I have missed these." He told he as he squeezed her boob over her bra.

Derek had always been a boob guy while mark was an ass guy, not that they didn't love the either. They also had a rule that when around them no bra or panties were allowed, as they wanted to be able to have access at all times.

He used his other hand to life her shirt up so he could see them but before he could do anything his pager beeped. He looked down at it and sighed.

"Got to go." He said kissing her ruffly before leaving the room and a panting Thalia behind

Thalias pulled her shirt down and fixed herself up before leaving the room to grab some more paperwork and heading to the room we're all the other interns are.

"What are you doing?" She asked Christina
"I'm suturing a banana with the vain hope that it wakes up my brain." She replied
"Well you should get a coffee and put this in it." Thalia spoke as she pulled a bottle out of her pocket
"What is it?" Christina asked
"Basically straight caffeine. Put some of this in your coffee you won't even think about sleep." She said

"We're you get it?" Christina asked taking it
"Someone I know made it. I can get you more if you end up liking it."

Thalia wasn't lying, Arthur had made it for her so she wouldn't fall asleep, saying that while he didn't want her to be up all night he knew she would just end up drinking to much coffee so he made it out of herbs stating that it was healthy enough for him to let her drink it.

"Dose anyone know why we're here?" Meredith asking brought her out of her thoughts
But before she could reply Derek walked in making Meredith sit up and pull the top of her shirt down

"Well good morning." He said and got a few 'good morning's' back
"I'm going to do something Pretty rare for a surgeon. I'm going to ask interns for help. I've got this kid Katie Bryce. Right now she's a mystery. She doesn't respond to our meds. The labs are clean, the scans are pure, but she's having seizures-grand Mal Seizures with no visible cause. She's a ticking clock. She's gonna die if I don't make a diagnosis, which is we're you come in. I can't do it alone. I need your extra minds, extra eyes. Doctor Romanoff." He asked looking towards Thalia

Everyone else looked at her shocked
"I've read your file. You are the smartest person in this hospital, got any ideas?" He asked crossing his arms, Thalia could see Robert stopping by the door way.

"Well Katie said she fell recently, theirs no medical proof but what if she did have an aneurysm." She said slowly
"There was no indicators." He said
"Yes but she twisted her ankle practicing for the pageant. She fell and it was not big deal. Not even a bump to the head, she got right back up iced her ankle and everything was fine. Because it was a fall so minor her doctor didn't even think to mention when I was taking her history, But she did fall." She said, Robert looked impressed but some of the other interns looked at her questionably as if she was out of her mind to think something like that, and to be fair she probably was somewhat out of her mind as she hadn't slept in 24-ish hours

"You know what the chance is that a minor fall could burst an aneurysm? One in a million. Literally." He told her but smirked "Let's go." He said and started to leave

"Where?" She asked
"To find out if Katie's one in a million." He said

She grabbed her paper work and walked to him
"This is not fair. First she gets the surgery and now this?" Meredith screeched
"Doctor grey that's enough. This Hospital is very lucky to have someone like Doctor romanoff, you do best to remember that." Robert said before leaving to follow Derek and Thalia

"I'll be damed." Derek said as they walk the Aneurism "it's small but it's there." He said getting a closer look still impressed

"It's a subarachnoid hemorrhage. She's bleeding into her brain." Robert chimed in
"Good job Thal." He patted her on the back

"Do you two know each other?" Derek asked jealously, he didn't want another male touching her, besides him and mark. (Maybe future children)

"Yes. Do you know her?" Robert asked
"He's THE Derek." Thalia exclaimed the word 'the'

"Ohhhh."Robert drawled out finally understanding

"You've talk about us to him." Derek asked
"Yup." They both replied like it was nothing
"Let's go tell Katie's Parents." Derek said changing the conversation and grabbed her hand pulling her out of the room

"So you've told him about us?" He asked
"Yes what's the problem?" She asked confused
"Nothing it's just nice to know you missed us."
He said

"Of course I missed you. I didn't entirely want to stop talking to you." She said sadly remembering why she did it
"Then why did you?" He asked her confused and angry stopping them from walking further

"After grandpa died and everything was left to me, my family got angry and started threatening me, breaking into my house, even beat me up one time. So I thought it would be better for me to start somewhere else. Plus I didn't think you both would want to date a 20 year old girl anymore. That it would be easier if you just moved on. Or that I was just a play thing." She said and during the last bit she shedded a few tears.

Derek was angry. Not at her, but at himself and mark.  If they knew what she felt they could have been with her the entire time, they would both gladly move to Seattle if she was going there.

Derek pulled her into a hug for a few seconds, before pulling away and wiping her tears. He looked around quickly before placing a kiss on her lips softly.

"You should never think that. We love you." He spoke for both him and Mark

"Alright enough tears. You just saved a girls life. Let's go give her parents the good news." He spoke after a few seconds to try and get her mind of the sadness he knew she was feeling

She smiled nodding her head and they continued walking.

Once they found Katie's parents they both jumped up as Derek came into view.

"Mr and Ms Bryce I would like you to meet Doctor Romanoff. She figured out what was wrong with your daughter." He told them will a smile Katie's mom hugged her crying repeatedly saying thank you.

"You really did?" Her father asked shedding a tear

"Yes sir." She said shaking his hand that he offered her. "Katie's gonna need a surgery but she'll be fine."

"What are you a genius or something. They said all the test were clear." He asked hugging his wife
"I don't believe intelligence can be accurately quantified but I do have an IQ of two hundred and fifty, identical and photographic memory and can read thirty thousand words per minute." Thalia geeked out

Everyone looked at her confused
"Yes I'm a genius." She smiled slightly embarrassed

Derek smiled at her loving how she geeked out.
She always did it when she was nervous, so sometimes Derek and Mark would make her nervous on purpose to get her to do it.

"Well we will get Katie ready for surgery and come get you when it's done." Derek spoke before he and Thalia walked away


1457 words

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