3. Crawling Before Walking

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It's times like these, sitting here by myself in a quiet corner of the library I wish I had friends. I'm fine usually, because people are constantly disappointing and its easier to just not get involved with others at all. But it would be nice to actually talk to a person for once.

Sighing, I take another bite of my sandwhich and flip to the next page of the stupid book we're reading for AP Lit. I love reading but this book is so boring! I've been staring at the same sentence since lunch started.

Giving up I take out my phone and decide to read something more interesting I smile as fanfiction.net opens up before someone snatches my phone out of my hand.

I look up angrily trying out who would dare touch my phone only to find a stern faced Blake with my phone in his hand.

"What are you doing?" He asks condenscendingly. "Me? What are you doing taking my phone!?" I reply incredulously.

"Why are you eating here and not with me at my table?" He asks looking genuinely confused. "Why the fuck would I be at your table." I say angrily.

He sits on the couch with me and ignores my dirty look, "Alexandria," he begins talking to me as if I was a child, " If we are pretending to be talking, then you should be sitting with me and my friends."

"Friends?" I repeat sounding slow. "Yes, friends, you know what those are right?" He says starting to smirk. "Of course I do asshole I just didn't think I'd need to meet yours."

"Well you do, now get up we are going back to the cafeteria." He commands me.

"Uhm no. I have homework to complete." To this he points to fanfiction clearly displayed on my phone and raises his eyebrows.

"Don't judge me! Give me my phone back, I'm not going." I say defensively.

"We'll see about that." He says before picking me io bridal style and slinging my bag over his shoulder.

Oh. My. God.

"Blake if you don't fucking put me down right this fucking-" "Ms. Johnson! I am appalled at your language!" Ms. Gate the librarian cuts me off.

Shit. See what you do Blake, you get me in fucking trouble!

Blake sets me down and hands me my bag but not my phone I notice.

"I'm sorry Ms. Johnson but I have to revoke your library lunch time privlages for the remainder of this semester. I have to ask you to leave this instance. And you sir are surely not welcome back either" She says disappointedly at me and annoyed at Blake.

"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you." I keep repeating as we walk out of the library.

Why is he smirking at me, does he not understand the definition of hate? "Look at the bright side of this sunshine."

He finally says. "There could not possible be a bright side to this!" I almost yell wanting to pull my hair out.

I hate people, I hate meeting new people, I hate having to talk to people for longer than necessary. Now I have to eat in the cafeteria with all the annoying people I have the misfortune of calling my peers.

"The bright side sweetheart, is that you get to spend your lunch with me."

Is it wrong that I have the urge to punch him in the face? Cute or not he has to be the most infuriating egotistical narcissistic guy I have ever met!

"Give me my phone asshole." Is all I have the energy to say. He smirks at me and I already know I'm not going to like whats going to come out of his obnoxious mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2015 ⏰

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