Chapter 1: Evelyn

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The final bell of the school day rings out as I turn down the hallway towards the library. Two weeks of staying after school and I still couldn't understand how to balance chemical equations. It doesn't help that my tutor is the most arrogant person in the entire school. I mean of all people, I had to get stuck with Michael Miller. No wonder I'm falling behind in class. Never have I ever hated a class more than I hate my chemistry class with Ms. Oparine, who doesn't teach I may add. Every class involves endless pages of lab sheets with no instruction whatsoever. I mean how are we supposed to learn anything!

I pull on the metal handle of the library and make direct eye contact with Michael,his bright green eyes meeting my gaze. I never noticed how pretty his eyes were.. Focus Evelyn you're only here so you can do well on the test on Friday. I pulled one of the blue rolling chairs up to his table and sat down, dropping my backpack next to me. I unzip the gray backpack with the gold zipper and pull out my notebook. I reached in my folder and grabbed a practice worksheet Ms.Oparine gave us earlier. I grab a pencil and eraser out of my purple pencil case and set them down on the table in front of me. I glance up and see Michael looking at me with a smirk on his face. "You didn't miss me too much did you Ev?" I roll my eyes and meet his gaze again. "Let's just get to work Miller".

"..and if this side of the equation has four molecules of oxygen, the other side has to have the same. Does that make sense?" Michael reaches a hand in front of my face and snaps his fingers together. "Hello, earth to Evelyn" I shifted my gaze from the round library window to his paper, where he was demonstrating a problem. "Yeah, totally," I sputter. I look down at my watch and see the time, 4:03 PM. Shoot, my mom is picking me up at 4:15. "Well it's been fun Miller but I gotta go, my mom is picking me up soon." "Well wait, do you understand what I'm saying about the reactants and the products?" "I'll have to. The test is tomorrow, remember?" I didn't understand anything he had explained, but I figured I could call Drew to explain it to me later tonight. I say a final goodbye to Michael and head to the front lobby while I wait for my mom. I scroll through instagram while I wait and see my friends hanging out without me, what else is new. Some soundly advice, don't ever be in a trio friendship unless you want to be  left out. I looked up once again and saw my mom's car pull up beside the curb. I hopped in and threw my backpack in the backseat. "How was your day?" she asked me. "It was fine I guess. I just have a lot of homework." She nodded and kept driving, turning on another podcast. I roll my eyes and put my airpods in, not wanting to hear about any more political scandals.

I shuffle up the stairs when we arrive home and set my backpack down next to my desk. I didn't feel motivated to tidy my messy room today, or any day this past week for that matter. I changed out of my school clothes and put on some pajamas with owls all over the front. I put on one of my favorite crewnecks, which I had taken from his closet after Drew left for college. I could take his clothes without his objection, so there was one benefit of him being away at school. Without him at home, it was just my parents and me. It's a weird experience, going from seeing someone for the first 16 years of your life to twice a month. Even when Drew comes home, it is not the same as it used to be. He'd much rather spend time with his girlfriend than his little sister.

I lie on my bed and pick up the book sitting on my dresser, reading seems to be my only escape these days. Instead of worrying about my chemistry test tomorrow, I worry about Alex Stern and whether she can save Darlington from hell.

I startle awake to the sound of my Mom's voice telling me dinner is ready. I shoot up from bed, glancing at the clock. How was it 8 PM already?? I clobber down the stairs in my slippers and turn the corner to the kitchen. "What are we having?" I exclaimed. "Dad is bringing home pizza, he should be back any minute." I sit down at one of the stools at the counter and fidget with the vitamin bottle in front of me. My mom is listening to podcasts as usual, so I am alone with my thoughts. My train of thought wanders to Michael and his green eyes meeting mine. I can't help but smile at the thought, and I wonder if he ever thinks about me. I shake my thoughts away after remembering how many girls he flirts with on the daily. I won't allow myself to become just another girl who fell for Michael Miller.

My Dad walks in the door with a box in one hand and his briefcase in another. Rosco hears the door open and scampers into the kitchen, his tail wagging in excitement. I pet his ears and then grab the pizza box out of my Dad's hands. Placing it on the counter, I reach to grab plates out of the cabinet. "So how was work Dad?" I ask, trying to relieve the tension. Mom had gotten angry with Dad last night over finances, and there was still some residual resentment. The three of us ate in silence, focused on our food. Well, silent if you don't count Rosco's snores coming from the back room.

By the time I made it back upstairs, it was 9 o'clock. I sat down at my desk, determined to study for chemistry. I propped my phone up against a candle sitting on my desk and gave Drew a call. Ringing, ringing, declined. You've got to be kidding me. A few seconds later I receive a text, "I'm at the gym" it read. Of course. I take a deep breath and open my notebook, I can do this.

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