✧Chapter 6✧

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Tingling sounds of cycle bells could be heard along with the children in uniform who are riding it

Buses and cars moving on a fast space, as the large buses kep pressing hones alot of passengers going to their work place and some mother's who are helping their children to get inside the school bus

The street is busy and so the people is.
And when we look up to the sky, birds are also busy, because at the beginning of the day all the living beings have to work inorder to survive, for humans it's money and for birds it's food, but anyways all of them are busy and working hard for their well being aswell as their family's

Ryujin Walked towards the bus stop, airpods on her ears, as she listened to Taylor Swift, her favourite artist

Soon the bus came and she got Inside, found Yeji in it and so she sat beside her

The bus reached to the school as it paused, infront of their school for th students to leave, but much to Ryujin's dismay, they straightly got trapped in between the Kim Taehyung fans

"Lia would love to be in here" she thought to herself as she rolled her eyes and tried to get herself through it, politely asked the girls to give her some space to move and after getting zero response nor coperation from them, Ryujin had enough

"MOVE THE FUCK" she yelled, the crowd felt silent as all the girls got startled and curiously turned their head towards the voice and ofcourse Ryujin also got Taehyung's attention without even trying for it

All the girls where immediate on reflexes, they moved away from the place and gave Ryujin space to walk through them

Ryujin being Ryujin, flipped her hair back in frustration and with a sigh,not forgetting to glare at all of them, she walked while Dragging Yeji with her

Taehyung poked his cheeks and rolled his eyes, thinking that she's a fan of him and is coming towards him after throwing a tantrum and acting as if she owns the school "You don't have to act like a brat,and I surely am not giving any attention to you" he glared at her as he said these words through his gritted teeths

Ryujin was stunned to say the least, she expected him to be atleast a little polite, who the hell he think he is
"Omg I guess it's a hobby for you to refer people by your name. Brat" she spat at him as she stared at him from the top to the bottom, clearly judging him through her gritted teeths

All the girls were surprised to say the least, they have never seen Taehyung talking to a girl before and they never expected Ryujin to talk to him like that

"What the actual fuck?" One of the girl from the crowd shouted at her, soon followed by others

"Ask your Taehyung to behave like a man and not to talk to me like that,  i definitely am not going to let this kind of behaviour slide" she shouted at them

Taehyung stood there, with his hands curled up on a fist, "first she did all this type of chaos to come to me and now she's arguing with me, does she think I will fall for her attitude or what" he thought to himself

"Talk to me Politely, I'm your senior" he said that out loud

Ryujin rolled her eyes at that "Talk to you politely? Huh? Ohh sorry, I would only be polite to the people who deserves politeness and not to some rich spoiled kid"

Taehyung had enough,"Do you know who my dad is?"

"Omg why, your mother didn't tell you?" She spat back as she gave him disappointed yet pitiful look as she smirked to herself

The crowd of girls gasped at that, even Yeji had the same reaction as them, one of them even threw a tomato at her, but she easily dodged it

"Let's get out of here" and with that Ryujin pulled Yeji by her side and got inside the school, without even caring at the number of calls behind her

Taehyung stood there, with his hands folded and mouth at a gasp "she definitely is a brat and the choice of her words damn" he thought to himself and soon shrugged at everything which dramatically took place infront of him, without even caring at the fact that he lose the argument  infront of the huge amount of girls

He definitely didn't like them tailing behind him and the fact that they talked to Ryujin in behalf of him, kind of irritated him, he can stand up for himself, hell he hates it when someone pokes their nose inside his business

"I will just get back to her later, she is in the school anyway" he said that to himself and proceeded to go to his class


Soon the News of Ryujin arguing with Taehyung and the fact that she even talked to him became a hot topic on the campus and Lia definitely heard about it

She was freaked out to say the least, Ryujin surely got the guts to talk to him like that, infront of his so called fangirls

"Do you really talk to him?" Lia have been bugging Ryujin with same question for the past few minutes

"Yes i did, now shut up" Ryujin irritatedly replied as she shoved Lia's hand away from her shoulder

"You know, he haven't even talked to any girls on the school before and you are the first one!" She clapped her hands "I should've been on Your place tho"

"If it wasn't for you having a crush on him, i would have kicked him for what he said to me Ughh" Ryujin uttered as she threw her phone to the table and frustratedly tugged on her hairs and pulled it "be thankful on the fact that I didn't do that to him"

"Hehe I will buy you chocolate milk" Lia cutely threw herself on Ryujin's Shirt

"Even if you didn't buy me one, i surely was going to buy one using your school card anyway" Ryujin said as she tried to take Lia off from her body

"Ryujeaaniee" that was Jungkook, who infact have a sudden brightness on his tone

"this guy is definitely on his periods" Ryujin said to herself as she turned her eyes towards the latter

"How are you?" He flashed a bunny smile

"I'm feeling really good, all thanks to Lia's so called crush" Ryujin sarcastically replied as she gave a fake smile in return and rolled her eyes

Jungkook silently mouthed a "what's wrong with her" to Lia and sat beside Ryujin by pulling a chair from another table

"How's it with Nayeon?" Ryujin asked

"Ohh yeah, she went to her cousins house and would only be back after the weekend" Jungkook smiled brightly at the mention of his girlfriend as he replied to the question

"Now It makes sense on the reason on why you are hanging out with me"

"Yes, so don't trust him" A sudden voice startled them and they all raised their head up to look for the source and that was none other than The Great Hoshi

"Ryujin is kind of popular now" he said as he pulled a chair and sat beside Jungkook

"Ryujin? Popular?" Jungkook confusedly asked as he waited for an answer

"You dont know? She fought with Taehyung today" Lia replied

"Yoo whaat? Really?" Jungkook had his eyes all wide

"It isn't much of a big thing to flex so let's forget about it" Ryujin said and stood up from her seat and proceeded to walk away

"Wait wait" Jungkook also stood up and quickly walked behind her

"Did you really hit him" he asked

Ryujin gave him a wierd look "as much as I love to hit him, i decided not to"

He don't know why, but he kind of didn't like that idea of Ryujin hitting Taehyung

"Why the hell is he everywhere!" Ryujin exclaimed as she saw Taehyung there

Jungkook immediately turned his head "Is he looking at us? Damn why is he smirking?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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