Chapter 11: The Ghost Outside

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I have a new philosophy. I'm only going to dread one day at a time. | Charles M. Schulz


I felt my body shaking and I wasn't quite sure if it was from the cold or if it was because I was terrified right now.

"Mother?" I asked again, doubting that it had been my mother who slammed my door shut.

It couldn't have been the wind, my windows were closed. I crept towards the door, waiting for anything. A noise or something to tell me I'm wasn't going insane.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I slowly made it closer to my door. I reached out my hand and grabbed the knob. I stared at it intently before throwing the door open.

I instinctively squeezed my eyes closed, expecting the worst. When nothing happened, I peeked opened my eyes one at a time. What the?

There was nothing. Confused, I looked left down the dark hallway and then right. It must just be my imagination. At least, that's what I thought before I heard a familiar whimper below me.

I blinked and looked down at my feet to see big brown eyes looking at me. I felt relieved and exhaled loudly. I went down on my knees and was greeted by slobbery kisses.

"God, you scared me, Oscar." I breathed out, still shaking from my scrambled emotions.

I ran my fingers through his soft fluffy fur and scratched behind his left ear. I smiled at him as he continued to grin at me. Well, the way he's looking reminds me of a grin.

Sometimes I wish he could talk to me. But I have a good idea about what he could say to me if he could talk. His expressions give it away most of the time.

I stood up and turned to go back to my room. I heard him follow me in by the sound of his nails clicking against the floor.

The rain was still pouring outside and it didn't look like it was going to stop anytime soon. This storm suddenly appearing didn't seem very logical. Usually, the weather people can predict the forecast.

Then again, this whole town has become a real mystery to me. I'm not so sure if I want to dig for answers. I could really get killed this time.

Oscar brushed up against my leg and trotted towards my window. He put his paws up on the windowsill allowing him to see the raging storm outside.

He unexpectedly barked and I narrowed my eyes in confusion. Slowly, I walked towards him until I was facing the window.

The trees were shaking roughly against the fast wind. The rain pelting the glass made it difficult to see clearly outside.

With no clue about what Oscar was barking at, I was about to turn away from my window to head downstairs with my blanket.

Something had caught my eye. Oscar wagged his tail and was panting against the glass, creating fog. I frowned, trying to figure out what the thing was outside.

It looked like a person was standing on my front lawn in the middle of the storm. I could see the shape of the figure, it looked like a guy. A guy who seemed familiar.

I tilted my head and pressed my face closer to the glass. Although I know it wouldn't help me see any better, I squinted my eyes. Who was this person? Am I imagining things?

Something about the outline of this person just all too familiar. It looked like the person was facing the house, but it seemed they were wearing a black hoodie.

I watched and stared in shock as the person removed their hood, being attacked by the rain. I took a step back and dropped my blanket to the floor. My mouth hung open agape.

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