The brave girl

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In a busy market street a girl just walking on the side of the street with a bag full of stuffs. A group of boys who were riding bicycle entered the street and one of them crashed on a girl who was just walking on the side. She fell on trash bin and her all stuffs were fell around the street and the boy who hit the girl also fell down. The girl started picking her stuffs and then the boy started yelling at her like it's her fault and started making a scene but girl didn't reply him, she was busy in picking her stuffs which was on the ground. A boy moved his feet towards her and said that he gonna teach her lesson, on that moment the temper of girl was at the peak, she without thinking kicked him on his private part, and then another boy came supporting his friend who just got kicked by her, and also she did the same thing to him. Both boys took there bicycles and left the place.

Suddenly a woman started screaming a girl's name.

Woman : 'Anya did you picked all the things which is listed, Oh you will mess up everything wherever you go, come on hurry up, get in the car we have to go. (Whispered) Oh this girl is just a headache, always a burden for our family.

Anya picked all the stuff that were fell around the street and went running towards the car and left the place. But she didn't notice her phone which was covered by trash.

There was a boy who was watching these all drama at the cornor of the street. He makes is move to a shop to buy chocolate. After purchasing, he started retrieving, and unknowingly he stepped on the phone of Anya, and he took that phone, and remembered that Anya's incident, and he noticed that there are 9 missed call on her phone. The boy was Abhay who was wandering around to make a new friend. He thought this is a right time to make this girl a new friend of him. He went from there.

While he was walking he gets the phone call not in his phone but in Anya's. He received the call, it was non other than Anya.

Abhay: (As I expected) Hello who are you ?

Anya: I'm the owner of the mobile, which your talking now.

Abhay: Sorry I don't get your point.

Anya: My point is, the phone which you're talking now is mine, so hand it over to me.

Abhay: Yes I know and I'll return it to you. Now you meet me at blue stone Cafe which is near the park.

He started giving address of it,

Anya replied: I know the address, I'll there in 10 minutes.

At the cafe:

Abhay was listening to music, and he was sitting in side the cafe near the window, which is at the side of the main door of the cafe. He noticed Anya entering to the cafe, and he rises his hand and pointed towards Anya and said her to take a seat, Anya went towards the beach which Abhay was sitting, but she refused to take a seat but Abhay insisted her, so she had to.

(A coffee arises)

Abhay: please take a coffee, what is your name

Anya: Thanks, I don't want a coffee, and give me my phone, I have to go.

Abhay: Why so urgent? If you refuse to take coffee you'll not get your phone back.

It was started raining, so Anya sat and drank a sip of coffee.

Abhay: you didn't tell me your name, I think you don't want your phone. Don't think I'm blackmailing you. Look outside it is raining.(he kept her phone on the bench, but close to his side.)

Anya: My name is Anya, now give me my phone

Abhay: I know your name already, I heard your name back then when your owner was yelling at you. Even I like the kick which you gave to those boys, you are a brave girl.

Anya: (annoyed) See Mr, I don't know who you are, and what you want from me. First of all the lady who was yelling at me was not my owner, and second of all, I didn't intentionally kick those bullies. Now I'm taking my phone, even rain had stopped, I don't have time for this nonsense, Bye.

She took her phone and started going, suddenly Abhay stopped her and asked to be his friend and said that he'll give his phone number. Anya was annoyed, near to her there was a vase she took it and hit Abhay on his head, and went from there.

Abhay regretting about his situation came back to his grandmother home.

Grandmother: Did you make any friends? Come for supper.

Abhay: No granny, my stomach is full, and I didn't make any friends.

I'm going to bed, I think I'll get new friends tomorrow.

Abhay went to his room and slept thinking about Anya, and tomorrow.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 09, 2023 ⏰

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