®®® NINIE ®®®

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I couldn't bear it again, she just degraded me in front of everyone, she wouldn't have won the quiz if I did not tell her that exact riddle. I felt dull, if kendall could win a quiz then I need to start reading my books very well.

I was heading towards the hallway when I saw a poster on the wall

" Welcome to my party" someone said and I immediately turned around just to see Drea.

" I'm not coming" I said

" But you're invited" she said and I scoffed, Drea never invited me to her party so why was she inviting me now

" If it was Kendall that sent you, then tell her I'm not coming" I said and was about to turn until she said

" Umar wants you to come "

I turned back looking at her, Umar and Drea never talk so how would he tell her to come and invite me. Besides we spoke this morning and he did not mention anything like that

" Are you messing with me sewa" I called her middle name

" No I'm not messing with you and don't call me that" she said and I turned back before leaving.


It's break already and I hadn't eaten, i don't think I have appetite to be honest, with everything going on and how people still wouldn't stop cheering Kendall. That girl is just devil, I wished she was never my friend.

I brought out my phone and was checking the results about the interview and I made it. Just right there an email was sent to my phone.

London fashion week

Hello Julian Abiodun, you made it to the top 10 on our list. We would be expecting you by the end of the month for the fashion week

Thank you

I can't believe I made it to the list, well now was my chance to reveal to Lagos and LHC about my modelling. And also make my brand. London fashion week is always the talk of Lagos anytime they did it and LHC students always talk about it, most especially about the models. I was really excited.

" I like it when you smile" someone interrupted my thoughts, I removed my phone from my face to look at the person, only to see Jake standing at my front with a small smile on his lips.

My smile widened and if you ask me why I was smiling really had, I have no idea. My mouth was moving on it's own.

" Awwwwn, is that smile for me" he cooed and I hit his arm.

" I'm not smiling for you" I lied or let me say half lied because I was half smiling I got into London fashion week and also I don't know why my lips was smiling for him.

I never knew Jake and I would ever talk till I leave this school. I had hated his existence since the first day I stepped my leg into this school.

" Aren't you going for break?" He asked and I shaved my head

" No, I'm not hungry actually" I said, courtsey to dad for making me drink banana smoothie this morning, jeez that thing is filling

" Ok can we take a walk" he asked and since I didn't have anything doing I accepted and we started walking through the hall way, before going to our field.

" Soooo...... What do you like doing or what are your hobbies" he asked and I smiled

" You finally got your way of talking to me" I said " well my hobbies are to much and I'm scared they are not more hobbies, they are just things I do for fun" I replied, I really have lot of hobbies.

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