He.. He cheated on me.

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Also, it's been a couple years since schlatt took tubbo in as his own child. Tubbo is now 10 years old.

[Tw's: arguing, mentions of cheating/cheating, blood, and crying.]

Schlatt was walking back home, he had dropped tubbo of with Phil, it was only going to be for a couple hours. He grabbed his keys and unlocked the front door, walking inside as he closed the door behind him. ″Quackity, I'm home!″ he shouted, not hearing a reply back as he walked upstairs slowly. Maybe the other was just relaxing?

Nope. It was something he never thought he would see directly in front of him.

Quackity. Quackity was cheating on him with wilbur, he coughed to grab their attention, he was more sad rather than being pissed off, he clenched his fist slightly before he spoke. ″Quackity.″ He crossed his arms slightly, locking his eyes with the duck hybrid as he waited for an answer. Quackity looked over, a slight shine of fear struck him, but it was quickly replaced by stubbornness and anger. "Ah, seems like your back. What? What do //you// want?" He mumbled, still being besides wilbur as the other gave a slight hint of discomfort from this situation.

The ram eyed wilbur before he looked over at quackity again. ″What the actual hell quackity?! What do you mean what do I want!? You fucking CHEATING on me with wilbur for fucks sakes!″ He shouted, approaching quackity as he immediately swung at him, earning quackity a bloody nose. Schlatt was completely overtaken by anger, still yelling as he grabbed quackity by his shoulders. ″You just a manipulative bitch! I should known, I should've seen the flags, but no, I stayed with you no matter what you did to me. And I HATE that I even loved your manipulative ass!″ He roughly let go, his gaze instantly falling on wilbur.

″And you, you fucking let all this happen wilbur. You're an asshole for even accepting this and fucking quackity! You, you could've avoided this, but no, you decided to fuck quackity and have him cheat on me.″ He grumbled angry, walking over to him before he pulled him by his hair, making the other look at him. ″I see why nobody likes you sometimes, it's probably cause of this shit!″ He pushed wilbur away, backing up as he huffed quietly, tears forming in his eyes from his sadness taking over as his madness shrunk down.

″Get out, fucking get out my house, both of you!″ Schlatt yelled, not wanting the two of them here anymore, they both immediately ran out the room and outside the house, leaving the ram there in the quiet house as he began crying. He got a message from philza that he was going to be dropping off tubbo a bit earlier than planned since tubbo missed him, he sighed softly, going to clean himself up as he then waited for tubbo to arrive home. He cooked dinner as he waited, he took down any photos of him and quackity together, still being consumed by anger as he sighed softly.

There was a knock at the door, oh, it must've been philza, he was dropping off tubbo after all, so it should be him, right?

He walked towards the door, opening it as he smiled softly, tubbo instantly ran over as philza gave a wave as he smiled. The two talked for a bit as tubbo held onto the ram tightly before looking over at philza with a small smile on his face as he then spoke.

''Bye bye Mr. Philza! See you another time, tell tommy I said I miss him and will see him soon!'' Tubbo giggled quietly afterwards, his tail twitching slightly as phil then said his goodbyes and walked off, leaving the ram in peace and quiet as he closed the door. ''Mama? Where did dad go? Is he still here?'' The goat child mumbled curiously, he always loved quackity, no matter how rude and brutal the older was to him, he always loved him still. ″Ah, tubbo my dear, he's out doing his job, he'll eventually be back soon.'' He spoke back, picking up tubbo as he walked towards the kitchen. ″Now, how about we eat dinner and then watch a movie? Remember, we've gotta wake up very early tomorrow my little bee, we're going to visit my sister.″ He placed the younger down at the table as he spoke, making his plate first before he made himself a plate.

''Aweeeee, so I get to meet Ms. Puffy? Her?'' He gave a head tilt, not sure about what to call her. ″Ah, yes my little bee! You can just call her puffy, she won't mind! Besides, your still young, so your still learning many things tubbo.″ He gave a soft smile, handing the goat child his plate as he turned back to make himself a plate. ''ay! What about her son? Doesn't she have two mama?'' He asked, taking a small bite of food so he could still be able to speak. ″Mhm, if your talking about foolish and dream, then yes, of course you'll be meeting them as well! I'm pretty sure there's another little kid you'll be meeting, I believe their name is ranboo.″

Tubbo looked up, his ears twitched as he gave a small head tilt. ''Ran- Ranboo? Odd nameee, but it's unique too!!'' He giggled quietly, starting to eat again as schlatt then sat down and began eating as well. ″Mhm, you'll meet them tomorrow, so you must get enough rest tonight my little dove.″ he smiled softly afterwards, he had finished his food already, getting up and washing his dish. ''Mamaaa, done!'' He shouted, getting up as he walked over with his plate, his tail wagging slightly as he giggled quietly, jumping up slightly as he handed the ram his plate. ″Alright bee, go on and change your clothes. I'll be down here waiting for you.″ He mumbled softly, his expression softening as he spoke to the younger.

Tubbo nodded, running off upstairs as he took off the clothes he was already wearing, putting on his bee onesie the ram had brought him before he ran out his room and downstairs. There in the living room, schlatt was waiting there with a bowl of popcorn, he brought his attention to the younger, smiling and motioning for him to come over. ″Come on buddy, let's watch this movie, then your heading to bed, okay?″ The goat child nodded, running over to him as he got onto the couch as bounced with excitement, giggling as the ram then played the movie. He sat down near the younger, smiling softly as he looked up and watched the movie.

The two sat and watched the movie, once the movie had finished, schlatt had sent tubbo to bed as he then went to clean up around the house. Soft hums filled the house from schlatt as he cleaned, he made sure the door was locked, still made about what had happened between him, quackity, and wilbur. But he shook it off, going upstairs and he took a shower before he went to go lay down. He began reading a bit before he fell asleep.

Tomorrow will be a very busy day.

The day has fallen, the night has set, tomorrow will be a brand new fresh day, let's enjoy this as it last, my little doves.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, hello everybody!! I apologize dearly for not updating this as much as I should've been, I've just been tired and lazy because of the shit I've been dealing with. But hey, I managed to get another chapter out for ya! I hope you guys enjoyed it and have a lovely day!!

Total words used in this chapter/story:1243

Love you all and stay safe!! <3333

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