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Earth birthplace of the human race, It has many names, Such as Midgard, Terra, and many more. It has also seen it fair share of wars, tragedy's, and even gods getting killed by one man who swore vengeance, and he was called many names, the god of war, spartan, the ghost of Sparta, and even father by one kid. Though he prefers to be called Kratos. But nowadays it looks nothing like we saw many years ago. It is full of trash, Mountains and mountains of trash, there seems to be no life at all. But if there is no life on earth then who built those towers? Well we are about to find out. Wally is humming to the sound of the beat playing on his Mp4. Wally then gets to s trash pile and starts scooping up trash with his shovel. After scooping up trash he puts it in a compressor which it then compresses the trash into a cube. After it dispenses the cube out wally then starts to carry it on his back. After a while he made it to a tower the started to climb up it. When wally gets to the top he places the cube in a slot, after looking at the wall he made something catches his eye. Its hollow at the bottom so he grabs it and pulls it out, its a trash can lid. "hm I wonder how i can use this?" Wally asked himself. "Maybe the sir knows how to use it!" He then puts it into his back pack and heads down the tower. Wally then noticed how late its getting and decides its time to go home and he starts to walk home. Wally passed by many things including a advertisement explaining where the humans went. They went into space, that was 700 years ago. Wally at this point no longer cared, and just wanted to die. He then arrived at his home a truck which has seen much better days. Wally then opened the door and then was face to face with the man he called sir. "Where were you?" Kratos asked wally. "I was doing my job." Responded wally. "until sundown?" Said Kratos. "I told you to be back before that.", "I-I got distracted sir!" Said wally afraid. "Sigh... next time make sure your on time." Said Kratos letting wally in. "Y-yes sir." Said Wally. Wally then started to unload the things he collected during the day. Kratos kept a watchful eye over him, He really didn't trust wally not to bring home anything dangerous. Wally then sorted everything out, Kratos then went to the back of the truck to sharpen his axe. Wally then went out to free his backpack of dust, he then heard the unmistakable sound of a sandstorm. Wally then rushed inside and closed the door, Kratos then said: "Boy!" Wally looked to him as he said that. "To bed" said kratos. Wally then went into his hammock he made and went to sleep. Kratos then laid into the bed he made for himself, and they went to sleep.

Wally and the god of war (Canceled)Where stories live. Discover now