Prank (SMUT)

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You were sitting in the Chateau with Sarah and Kie on the couch.

"Hey girls you know what you should do." Sarah said

"What?" You said

" We should Prank the boys." She said

" Why. " Kie said with a little laugh

" Do you not remember what happened 2 weeks ago." She said

" When the boys pranked us with the fake girl calls." You said rolling your eyes.

" Yeah." She said

" How are we going to prank them." Kie said.

" I was thinking about something that could really make there blood boil." Sarah said.

"Well Pope and John B is like ubsest with you guys so I shouldn't be too hard." You said with a smile.

"Oh whatever JJ is latterly in LOVE with you." Sarah said and Kie laughed.

"What do we do to prank them?" You said.

You Kie and Sarah are thinking of what you guys should do.

"We could ignore them." Kie said

" Yeah we could do that." You said

" So when the boys get here we will ignore them." Sarah said with a big grin on her face.

♡♥︎♡♥︎♡ Time skip ♡♥︎♡♥︎♡

The boys get back to the Chateau after fishing.

"Hey, girls." Pope said

You Sarah and Kie all went along with the plane and ignore them.

"Okay??" John B said in a confused tone.

"Look at this cute shirt," you said showing Kie and Sarah.

" Wow, that is cute." Kie said

" Yeah you should totally get it." Sarah said

And then jj comes up to you and sits down right next to you.

"Babe" Jj said

" ....." ( you said nothing )

" Babe?" Jj said again

" Hey Y/n you want to go shopping." Kie said.

" Hell yeah" You said standing up to walk away when jj grabbed your hand and turned you around to face him.

"What's up with you guys." Jj said

"Y/n hurry were going to be late." Sarah said.

You wiggle out of jj's grip and walked out of the Chateau and got into Sarah's car and you guys started to bust out laughing.

Boys Pov :

"Well that was weird." Pope said confused.

"Yeah it was." John B said also confused.

"Should we go fined them and, talk to them." Jj said with complete confusion.

The two other boys shrug there shoulders not knowing what to do.

"I think we should go fined them." Pope said a little worried and walked to the door.

"Hey man." John B said taking Pope by the shoulder and turned him around.

" What?" Pope said

"Look we can go look for them and they get more mad at us, or we stay there and wait for them to come back they have to come back at some point."

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