Chapter 2: "hunter...?"

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Dayvawn and the woman walk out of his house and into a dark car with tinted windows. Dayvawn's blood is rushing, his wound hurts like hell, and He's covered in saliva.
"This is fuckin' crazy!" He is terrified.

"Don't worry about the house. I already ordered repairs." The woman says while scrolling through her phone. Dayvawn gets annoyed, "E-excuse me...?" His eyes stare at her, she feels his eyes. "When do your parents come home?"

"Uhh... My mom and dad are divorced... My mom is currently on vacation, so, she'll be home in a week or so." He says confused. "All we need is an hour." The woman says with a forced smirk, almost as if she's not used to smiling. This freaks out Dayvawn.

"No, no, no, no. What the hell is happening?!" Dayvawn questions the woman once more. His blood boils and he shakes again, he grinds his teeth, "What's happening?! What the fuck just happened...? I'm scared... Help me... I wanna go back to bed... Would this happen if I didn't wake up?! Where are you taking me...???!!!" He says fast and frantically. "Mom... I need my momma... Jasmine... Dad... Help... HELP ME!!!!" His voice distorts.

The woman rolls her eyes and exhales loudly. "Huh... It's time for a nap, don't you think?" The woman punches him so hard that he passes out. "What...?" He mutters before passing out.

"Whew..." she exhales. She begins to drive off.

It seems an hour or two have passed, he is transported to an unknown area in his city.

"Dayvawn." A mysterious male voice says softly. "Daaaaaayyyyvaaawwwnnn. Wake up, sleepy head~ Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey." he says playfully. Dayvawn gains consciousness.
"Eh...? Wha..." He says surprised.
"Hello." Standing in front of him is a very tall man with light skin, and dark black hair covered in a beanie, wearing a suit and work pants similar to the blonde woman. His aura seems intense, and Dayvawn feels a sense of danger around him.
"You're Dayvawn, yes?"

AGE ?????
HEIGHT: ????

"Huh," Dayvawn says groggily.
"Man... Did I get kidnapped by a cult..."
He looks around to see the blonde woman standing near them. His blood pressure rises. "Aww... 'least Blondie is here." He says sarcastically.

The man leans closer and looks at him, "Dayvawn Jonathan Mclark." The man says. "Dayvawn Jonathan Mclark. Dayvawn. goddamn. Jonathan Mclark." He raises his voice in a passive-aggressive way as if Dayvawn is about to get fired from a job.

Dayvawn gets annoyed. "Yeah, that's me." His eyes roll.
"where the fuck am I?!" The blonde woman notices Dayvawn's sarcasm and violently approaches him.
"Don't speak to the Captain like that." The man looks at her.
"Sarah. Calm down." He grovels. 'Sarah' is caught off guard and awkwardly nods her head.

"Sarah... That's a hot name." Dayvawn laughs to himself. "The hell?" Sarah gets aggravated.
"Alright, Alright. Calm Down." The tall man raises his voice. He looks at Dayvawn.
"Dayvawn Jonathan Mclark."

"You were attacked by a Cryptid earlier."
Dayvawn rolls his eyes once more, "Yeah, that still doesn't explain it. You've said that like 9 times now! Where am? What the hell is a cryptid?!"

Suddenly, a sharp pain stabs Dayvawn's left eye, The pain is excruciating, and it burns him. "F-FUCK! WHAT THE SHIT?! M-MY EYE!!" He feels heavy throbbing throughout his left eye as if multiple bullet ants pinch into it.

The man approaches closer.
"Tell me, Dayvawn Jonathan Mclark. Are you still you? Still human? Or are you a beast?"
He grabs and points a mirror at Dayvawn's face.
Dayvawn realizes something different about him. His left eye's iris is solid black, replacing the once lime green.

"Hey..." Dayvawn looks horrified. "What the hell..." He begins shaking in the chair. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO ME!!!!!?????" He shouts. "THE FUCK, THE FUCK, THE FUCK!!!!"
The man looks embarrassed. "Dayvawn, please settle down." He puts his hand on Dayvawn's shoulder.

"You were attacked by a Cryptid." He points at Dayvawn. "Apparently, its DNA was mixed into yours. Either its saliva or blood. What I'm trying to say, is, well... You're part Cryptid now. So, you're a monster that needs to be killed."

Dayvawn looks at the two in confusion. "Part... Cryptid...? Crap, she was right..." He says disappointed.
The man nods. "Yes. You have two options."

The man pulls out a sheet of paper, its folders are quite colorful, "You become a Cryptid Hunter," he pauses for a moment. "Or we are forced to kill you." His eyes suddenly sharpen and pierce Dayvawn's soul.

Dayvawn puts his head down. "Hmm.
Yeah. How about..." Dayvawn picks his head up.
"HOW-ABOUT-I-CHOOSE-THE-ONE WHERE-I-GET-TO-LIVE-INSTEAD-OF-GETTING-KILLED!!!!!!!" Dayvawn shouts at the man, the scream almost deafening.

"Yes. That would be the better option." The tall man says sarcastically while wiping Dayvawn's saliva off his jacket.
"But... What the hell is a 'Cryptid' anyway?" Says Dayvawn.

The man leans closer. "Cryptids are... creatures of the unknown." He smiles at Dayvawn and winks. "Aliens, Demons, Ghosts. You name it. Here, we hunt to capture or to kill. Ever heard of Bigfoot?"
Dayvawn is flabbergasted. "Repeat that?" He says confused.

"Well. Since you're one of us now, I suppose..." The man uncuffs Dayvawn.
"Follow me. You too, Sarah."

"Yes, sir." She says. Her emotionless voice still surprises Dayvawn, how could one human sound so robotic? "(What the hell am I doing?)"
He thinks to himself. The three walk out of the seemingly small office room into a huge building full of people walking. The building is filled with futuristic equipment, lights almost blinding. "Woah..." Dayvawn looks around to see many people wearing suits.

"This here is the Cryptid Hunters of Texas." The man says with pride. "Or, Commonly known as...the Cryptid Hunters..." He snorts. "Get it? Because we aren't known!"
Dayvawn puts his head down in secondhand embarrassment.
"I'm going to die..." He says.

"So... Uh, what's going to happen to me...?" He questions. The man looks at him with a smile. His eyes lock on with Dayvawn's.
"I think for now we are just going to monitor you. See if you... Kill someone or something." He nonchalantly says. Dayvawn yelps. "KILL SOMEONE?! I WOULD NEVER...! AM I GOING TO KILL SOMEONE?!?!"

"That's what we're going to find out." The man replies. He walks up to a woman and grabs a cup from a plate She's holding. He gives it to Dayvawn. "Want some coffee? You must be tired."
Dayvawn grabs the coffee and chugs it. He immediately spits it out. The man gets offended.
"Hey! That was premium stuff! I pay out of pocket for a lot of this!"

Dayvawn wipes his face.
"Sorry, it was really good. I just thought... It had some cult poisoning or something..."
The man laughs at Dayvawn. "Ohahahaha!! Man, I like you, kid! You got some spunk! Glad I didn't let Sarah slit your throat and made it look like a simple break-in! Because I can do that! To anyone!"

With a horrified look, Dayvawn forces a smile. "thanks. . . ?" He shivers.
"So... How am I... Uh, getting back home?"
The man looks at Sarah.
"Well, Sarah. Do whatever you did to bring him here, but do it in reverse!"
Sarah nods. She walks up to Dayvawn. He looks confused. "Uh, so-" Before he could finish, She punched him again and knocked him out.


Cryptids: The Beginning Arc. [book 1] |REDUX|Where stories live. Discover now