Chapter 8

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A/N: thank you for over 1k views that means a lot to me!! Enjoy chapter 8!

Theo felt like he had been walking for hours, the forest was dark, foggy and wet. How was he supposed to find them? The tyre tracks were gone, he couldn't get a scent and he couldn't see a thing.

Focusing he tried to pick up on any noises, any kind of hint he could find. Hearing a faint yell he tried to focus on the voice. He couldn't recognize it, it was to far away. Deciding his options weren't very great...he followed the sound.

Walking further into the woods then he would of liked to until he heard it again, this time louder. He was getting closer, but that alone filled him with guilt. How was he supposed to kill Scott? He couldn't do that to Liam...after the time they've spent together Liam needed Scott just as much as Scott needed Liam.

Scott was giving him a chance....he originally had planned on killing Scott and becoming Alpha and taking over his pack, but now he wasn't sure he could bring himself to do it. Maybe he could just give Scott to the dread doctors, pretend he didn't and weasel his way into the pack?

That wouldn't work...would it? Theo was shaking his head confused, angry & frustrated. His plan was falling to pieces all because of one beta. One beta with big blue eyes who he couldn't dream of hurting. What the hell was this kid doing to him? Theo had been ruthless, he was raised by these 'doctors' there was no time for feelings, friends or a pack....

Was he really going to let one beta change him? No way. He had worked too hard and gone through too much for the plan he worked on for years to fall through the cracks. Liam wasn't even apart of the plan until a few months ago when Theo witnessed Scott bite him. Theo had been watching Scott and his pack for a little over a year now.

Taking back all the information he gathered to the dread doctors, finding a way for Theo to become the alpha. Then the dread doctors could take the pack and turn them all into chimeras, their little experimental pack....the dread doctors would refer to them as.

But he didn't want to watch Liam be experimented on....tortured...hurt...he couldn't stand the thought of Liam having to go through what he endured. Liam was too young...Theo shook his head reminded that he was only 9 when they took him. But that wasn't the point. He couldn't be apart of Liam's pain, he refused to......


Tilting his neck to the side Liam panted, clenching his fists together as the power of the super moon began to take its toll on him. Beads of sweat began to form on his forehead as his breathing became harsh. He could do this, he couldn't let Scott down again...he'd done enough of that lately.

Looking up he saw Scott begin to move, hearing him groan he looked up at Liam "what happened?" Scott asked still clearly dazed.

"You were having an asthma attack and passed out," Liam panted leaning his head back against the wall "I don't know if I can do this-" he added looking at Scott hopelessly.

Snapping out of his daze he remembered what Gerald had said "no you can do this Liam! I believe in you. Remember your mantra and take deep breaths," Scott encouraged, mentally fighting the effects of the super moon himself.

Liam nodded using paced breathing to calm down his erratic heart beat, he shook his head "it's not working," he grasped.

"It need to focus on it Liam. Focus on breathing, nothing else." Scott said in an assuring tone. Liam nodded taking more deep breaths, fighting the urge to shift.

Feeling his eyes change colour he groaned "I-I can't do it!" Liam said defeated "I'm going to shift and then they'll get what they want, and it will be my fault!" He said letting his emotions take over.

Beta with anger issuesWhere stories live. Discover now