Chapter 12

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A/N: I know last chapter was a shocking and sad one, But I'm glad you guys enjoyed it! 

Liam sobbed, holding Brett close he held his hand "I'm so sorry," he cried bowing his head in guilt. "I shouldn't of made you leave," his cries echoed throughout his room, he remembered his parents were home.

Biting his lip he silently sobbed, his body shaking, a tapping on his window made Liam whip his head around, thankfully seeing Scott. He let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding and he unlocked his window. Scott immediately pulling him into an embrace.

Scott's hand on the back of his betas head and the other around his back "Liam what happened?" He asked softly, Liam couldn't speak, he continued to cry into Scott's arms. This was when Scott saw Brett's body on the ground, his heart ripped out of his chest. Scott gasped.

"Liam who did that?" He asked not wanting to assume anything.

"Theo..." Liam choked out not moving his body. He felt safe in Scott's arms, after everything that had happened today he just needed comfort, which was a lot for him to admit, but it was true.

"Fuck," Scott sighed holding Liam closer before pulling back, he cupped Liam's face "what happened?" He asked, Liam pulled back and sat down on the floor besides Brett's body.

"I didn't see or hear everything, I heard Brett being smart, Theo didn't like it and he attacked him...that was all I saw," he cried.

Scott nodded 'this was my fault' he thought to himself, Liam sensing his guilt he looked up with puppy dog eyes "why do you feel guilty?" Liam asked confused and scared for the answer.

Scott shook his head "I'll talk to Theo" he said.

"That's not an answer," Liam replied standing up defensively "why do you feel guilty?" he asked again.

"Liam your emotions are very heightened after today I don't think now is the best time to do this," Scott said stepping back.

"So you do know something?" Liam asked defensively.

"I told Theo to leave you alone," Scott stated.

Liam scoffed "what the fuck gives you the right to decide who I'm with or who I do things with? Huh?" Liam snapped pushing Scott back.

"Liam," Scott warned "you are very upset right now, I don't want to hurt you,"

"I don't care," Liam growled throwing a punch but Scott easily dodged it.

"Why would you do that!" Liam said angrily, Scott heard footsteps, he pinned Liam to the wall and placed a hand over his mouth.

"Someone is awake, if you don't want them to come in here and see this I suggest you stop," Scott said in a calm tone ushering to Brett's body covered in blood and tears.

Liam rolled his eyes and pushed Scott off him but didn't say anything. Hearing the toilet flush and his parents door shut he knew whoever it was, was going back to sleep. "You never told me about your dad," Scott stated, a little hurt that Liam didn't tell him.

"Why would I? It's in the step dads great and he treats me and my mum good. I don't feel the need to talk about my sperm doner," Liam said, Scott couldn't help but laugh at the name he referred to his father as.

"I get that, but you can tell me anything,"

"Can I? Because you clearly saw me and Theo and decided to ruin that for me," he scoffed angrily.

"I did it to protect you, to protect both of you. And Theo was happy to comply he didn't argue about it," Scott said.

"Oh, and that's supposed to make me feel better? wow thanks Scott. Alpha of the year," Liam mocked.

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