starting off strong with this one

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Hello Reader. Whoever you are, you might be one of the 2 friends i told about this account or you might be a stranger out there in the world, either way thank you for reading through the thoughts in my head, these might be short or long depending on what im feeling like. I know one thing for sure, i want to write one of these every month or maybe even more i hope i write more and dont just give up on them instantly, like i seem to do with so many other things, i want to change my life, and i try to do so but always just end up falling back into the same old shit routine. I dont know what to do or even how to do it but i know that i want it. should i try and fill this page?? or just leave it at this, i really have no idea, this is also probably getting boring for you so i might just end it here and start a new....uhh... page?? i have never used this site before so i dont know what to call it.

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