Just Great

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I'm sitting in class thinking of when the test will finally be over, I was already done and just wanted to go to lunch where my friends would be since it was the only time other than the morning to see them but sadly I was still stuck taking this stupid biology test that doesn't seem have anything that will help me through life. I watch the clock just waiting for the last person to finish but I just want to scream because it's painfully slow to wait around without my phone or friends, finally the teacher's timer goes off and everyone puts their pencils down "thank God" I whispered, the teacher collects everyone's paper and the bell rings. I run to my locker before the stampede enters the halls and quickly Open it to put everything away then dash to the cafeteria where I met up with my friends. "Finally lunch!" I said happily as my friends join me in line for lunch, we talk about the usual drama, food, the line and how our day has been and what we did over the weekend "I wish we were seniors already" Josh said "yeah their almost out of this hell hole, lucky them" I say as I roll my eyes. Selene looks at the table where the seniors all sat "that will be us one day..lucky bastards", Jane and Holden nod in agreement as we finally get our lunch and sit at our usual table, "what do you think it's like to be them?" I asked "Probably not as good as we feel now since life is a crap shoot most of the time" Josh replied. Jade looked at him "you're always so negative, it's no wonder we're not getting through the year the way we want" Selene sighs "true but another part is all the fighting at this school and the fact people miss use words all the time like racism" , I sigh because they were right we were never gonna graduate fast enough "I'm sick of that word racist and other words people use to guilt you into feeling a certain way" I said as I began eating my lunch. A boy Walks up to the table with a microphone and a video camera"what are your thoughts on racism and the election right now?" He asks as I feel my blood boil and without a second thought I got up and punch him in the mouth and break his camera lens "IM NOT ANSWERING THAT STUPID QUESTION THE ONLY WAY TO SOLVE THIS CRAP IS NOT TALK ABOUT IT" I yelled and scared my self and next thing you know I was in the principal's office explaining myself "I'm sick of the harassment all the time, if people can't say anything nice or be civil they should just stay home I hear this everyday and never can say anything because I don't want to look a certain way to please these people ". The principal looked at me and shook his head " Kathryn I understand but punching people isn't the way to do it so you're suspended for a few weeks" I look down and nod as I grab my bag and get in the car with my mom who started questioning me and asking if I was ok "I'm ok mom I just am having a rough year and people here only make it worse by saying and being a certain way", "I know, as a matter of fact I went through the same thing when I was your age and I got so sick of it and got my GED instead " my mom said to me while driving us home. I looked out the window not wanting to talk right now to anyone and felt tears stream down my eyes "how could people be so stupid and hateful" I thought, once we got home I went upstairs and threw my back pack on the chair and took a shower hoping after my suspension things would be better though it didn't make me feel better. Once I dried off I did my homework and decided to write a letter to the school board on how bad highschool really was and my experience "maybe it can help make things better for future students at school and they won't have to go through this" I said to myself and got to writing. I thought long and hard about what I wanted to say then asked my parents to take me to the next board meeting to which they agreed to do so since it was sometime in Saturday. "that's perfect, I have something I would like to say to them because I'm tired of always being singled out for things" I tell them, they smile and nod happy I want to make a change. The day of the board meeting I was getting nervous "what if they don't agree or do anything about this? I'll take my chances" I said to myself as I walked to the stage with the microphone and started to give my speech " Good morning I am here to tell you about my experience at CHS, I wanted to start by saying it hasn't been a good one ever since I enrolled, I've been targeted,shamed and harassed due to my thoughts and beliefs and since I can't speak up at school I'll speak up here, I am tired of people constantly complaining about stuff that is not happening in modern day nor has happened to them, people feel so ready to pick a fight while teachers hide behind their desk and don't do anything about it, I always have to watch my back and make sure I don't get jumped due to the media's propaganda, everyone wants their five minutes of fame without having talent, teachers preach that it's ok to talk to them about things but it seems it's only that way when you have the same opinions and views as them, my grades have no improved due to me not being able to focus. And it's not fair that others that when someone does something rude they don't have the common Courtesy to say I'm sorry, instead it's a my bad or my fault. It is damaging as a young person to be told you're trash just for being born and you deserve everything that happens to you for something you didn't do. It gets worse and worse each year I would appreciate if I could be in a better environment to learn and grow without trying to avoid eye contact with someone so they don't want to fight me. I'm Kathryn Baker and this has been my experience at CHS thank you for listening" I sat back down with my parents and drank a glass of water as the board whispered to each other. "If this doesn't work I want to be homeschooled" I tell my parents "It'll be ok you'll see" my father says to reassure me that everything is fine. They tell us that the speech was informative and that they would get back to us as soon as possible then we went home and a few weeks later I returned to school and my friends all were happy to see me. "Hey guys" I smiled and hugged them "hey" they said and hugged back, Josh smiles"how was suspension?" , "It was good " I replied and continued to talk with them and goof off. Summer break finally hit and all I could think about was being homeschooled next year because kids at school were so miserable and annoying that I just want to graduate and get passed this chapter in my life and hopefully make an impact on the environment I'm in but I know people don't always change which is sad, but if you have a sad life and walk around miserable it shows. I keep my faith in God which keeps me going along with my morning coffee and I'm not homeschooled I'm back in in class Jr year and look forward to seeing my friends since I figured not to let them win this time but the smallest thing just might set me off, I try to ignore it though and stay positive.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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