Chapter 29 | Good Enough

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I feel utterly exposed.

Ruth had dragged me into her room not too long ago, dragging on about how I had to look hot for this beach trip.

Which was with her, Sophie, Kade, and me.

The reason I feel exposed is not very suprising but, let's just say I can taste the fabric on this tiny ass thong.

The bikini was sexy, and some what innocent. The only problem was that it was entirely too small for my body. Ruth was about my height, yes, but does that mean im near her weight?

Hell no.

My boobs were basically falling out of this damn tropical green bikini. And my ass?

Was out like I was 18 again.

Ruth have me a light tap on my ass, "Girl, if only I had a rocking body like this." She signed, dramatically fanning herself as she blankly stared.

I snort, grabbing ahold of the large cover up she had given me. "Please, my stomach is not built for this type of bikini."

She rolls her eyes, grabbing my hand before dragging me along. "You might think that way, but I promise once Kade sees you-" Her words are cut off short by the sound of Sophie screaming obnoxiously.

Ruth immediately rushes down the flight stairs. Her eyes alert and her stance tense. "What the hell happened?!" She exclaims, throwing her hands up into the air.

Sophie sits besides the front door, bright pink sunglasses that I had helped her pick out laying across her hair. She smiles wide, her eyes bright with excitement.

"Malia looks so PRETTY!" She yells, rushing up to me to pull me down to her height. Sophie grabs my cheeks in her hand, lightly squishing them as she fawns over my hair and cover up.

"I wish I could look like you when im older." She sighs dramatically, popping a bubble of pink bubblegum.


Ruth opens her mouth to give a remark when a naked chest brushes my back.

Slowly turning my head around im met with tattoos.

Its as if his body is a portrait, tattoos run all the way from his wide chest around to his lean back packed with muscle.

Since when did Kade get tattoos? He's scared of needles for God's sake.

His tattoos are beautiful. Each one of them telling their own story as they drape gracefully along his ripped body.

Kade looks down at me in all his glory, his plump lips parted. His hair was still a mess too, just this time slick with water.

He steps closer to me this time, his cock hidden by his swim trunks pressing into my ass. I can feel everything, every ripple of muscle contracting against my back.

"Hi." He breaths out, his nostrils flaring slightly.

Ruth quickly ushers Sophie away while covering her poor eyes, guiding her out of the villa.

I stare up at him, my eyebrows furrowed. His eyes carress my body, his breath getting caught inside his throught when he lands on my breast.


I step back, the warmth radiating from his body ceasing. His eyes blink once, twice.

"Did I pack that?" He husks out, clenching his hands behind his back to keep from reaching for me.

"No, Ruth let me borrow this one." I look down, almost uncomfortable now. "I know it doesn't fit, but I'm sure as hell not about to go shop-" My rambling is cut short.

"You look heavenly." He rushed out, a ravenous look in his eyes.

God, this man is infuriating.

He steps up to me for the second time, his chin pointed downward to catch my eyes with his. My neck strains as I tilt my head up, my lashes fluttering.

He evades me without even trying to. It's as if the mansion is not big enough for him, his mere presence barges through without forgiveness. Kade consumes me in any room, no matter how big it may seem.

It will never be big enough to forget he is in the room.

"Kade, we have to go." I whisper, my bikini bottoms turning damp with longing.

Kade seems to ignore my desparation to not be swallowed by his presence. His fingers brush the back of my neck, causing shivers of pleasure to creep up back.

"You have no idea how much you control me." He groaned, his hand tightening. He shuts his eyes for a moment, a deep breath rumbling through him.

"You have to stop." He pleads, bringing my face closer to his. Our lips are breaths away, one small fraction of movement and we would be considered kissing.

My forehead creases in confusion, "I? I have to stop? Says the one holding me to his body." I croak out, my nipplings turning into pepples against his chest.

"As if I had any control to not touch you." He growled out with his upper lip curled. My mouth waters at the sight of seeing this man slowly loose control over his reigns.

It was painful, my burning desire for our lips to meet.

"You think your body doesn't look good enough for this bikini? Huh?" He huffs out, his other hand roughly snaking across my waist. His rigid shoulders barracade me, those tattoos of his daring me to deny his claim.

I don't answer, because deep down no matter how much I deny it its true. My body isn't shredded or cut clean. Social media is a delusion that I have drowned myself in, to believe that my body is full of flaws.

"I see," He nodds, taking my silence as an answer. Slowly, he leans down to touch his lips to my ear. "Then let me show you just how good enough you are." He growled out, just before propelling my legs up to his hips.

" He growled out, just before propelling my legs up to his hips

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