The ghost of Jungkook

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It had been a year since Jungkook's death, but his presence still lingered in the old mansion that he used to call home. Taehyung had inherited the place, but he never felt comfortable living there, not after what had happened to his best friend.

At first, Taehyung thought it was just his imagination, the creaking of the old wooden floors, the flickering of the lights, the whispers in the air. But soon, he realized that something else was there with him, something that he couldn't see but could feel.

It started with small things - objects moving on their own, doors opening and closing by themselves, cold spots in the air. Taehyung tried to ignore it, but he couldn't deny the feeling of dread that crept up his spine every time he entered the mansion.

And then, one night, Taehyung saw him - Jungkook, standing in the hallway, his ghostly figure illuminated by the moonlight. Taehyung froze, unable to move, as Jungkook stared at him with empty eyes.

At first, Taehyung thought he was dreaming, but the more he saw Jungkook, the more he realized that the ghost was real. Jungkook seemed to be trapped in the mansion, unable to move on to the afterlife.

Taehyung tried to help him, researching ways to communicate with ghosts, to set them free. But the more he delved into the world of the supernatural, the more he realized that he was in over his head.

The mansion grew colder, the air thick with the presence of the ghost of Jungkook. Taehyung knew that he had to do something, but he didn't know what.

And then, one night, Jungkook appeared to him again, his ghostly figure more solid than before. He reached out his hand, as if asking Taehyung to follow him.

Taehyung hesitated, but he knew that he had to face his fears, to confront the ghost that haunted him. He took Jungkook's hand, and together, they walked through the mansion, Jungkook leading him to the attic.

There, in the center of the room, was a small box. Jungkook pointed to it, and Taehyung knew that it was the key to setting him free.

He opened the box, and inside was a photo of Jungkook and his family, taken just before his death. Taehyung knew what he had to do. He burned the photo, and as the flames consumed it, Jungkook's ghostly figure started to fade.

Taehyung watched as Jungkook disappeared, his soul finally at peace. The mansion was silent, and Taehyung knew that he had done the right thing.

But he could never forget the horror he had experienced, the ghost of his best friend, and the darkness that lurked in the old mansion. He knew that he could never go back there, that the memory of Jungkook's ghost would haunt him forever.

English  is not my first language

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