there we meet again☆ #1 [yoojung]

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Yoojung has his routines: he wakes, he cleans, he drinks, and he more often walks than takes the bus because he got sick of staring at the reflection in the window and not quite recognising himself.

Yoojung was working out his usual work night at the café. Taking care of the orders from the drunk customers. Cleaning the windows and the dishes after the café closed. After his shift he goes to the payphone wich is the usual place to have a smoke after work. He's being doing that since he started working there.

Friday 18th June 22:29
The usual. The only customers that are at the café that late are usually just drunk people that come from a bar that want to go and eat something. It was an hour before yoojung's shift ended, when he noticed someone weirdly similar talking to his phone, but as he got closer and closer to the café it hit yoojung.Why did he come in? He must've known Yoojung works here, the windows don't exactly hide much and this doesn't seem like his typical haunt.Yoojung straightens his posture and his very soul aches as their eyes meet.

It was Kyubin...
He hears the rustle of Kyubin's hand into the pocket of his trousers. No one says anything.
The last thing he needed. He doesn't bother talking to him wich wasn't that akward because Kyubin wasn't speaking much either. Not more than the usual conversation between customer and staff needed.Yoojung doesn't trust himself to speak, he feels like it would be giving in, so he nods. He took his order and gave it to him.Is he just here to watch him suffer?He's toying with him, seeing how far he can unravel this thread before he snaps but Yoojung isn't going to give him the satisfaction of caving. He wonders if he's seeing someone now.

After everything that had happened between them. And every single thing he felt when it was over. They way he cried himself to sleep for months at that time. He remembers everything so clear...

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