Chapter 1

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I blinked sideways at my books, just now realizing I had fallen asleep earlier this morning, and slumped straight onto my desk. Delalieu silently addressed this situation in the corner, and I sensed that he felt embarrassed to have walked in on me still disheveled and tired from sleep. "Yes, lieutenant?" I managed to choke out despite having lost my dignity with him.

"Sir, you have been required to meet sir Anderson in his room at 9 am. He tells me to say that this is nonnegotiable, and that your attendance is required. " I felt his emotions shift through worry and anger while saying this. I had no clue why that was, but decided to ignore it for now. He was also pushing a cart containing my breakfast, though at the moment I couldn't care less about food. I had fallen asleep thinking about Juliette, remembering the first time I've ever seen her in person. She took my breath away at first glance, and I'd have never looked away if she didn't notice me staring. I glanced down at my watch, and it read 6:30 am, which means I won't have quite the time I usually do to workout. Delalieu was suddenly in front of my desk, quietly putting a plate of food in front of me. I managed to sit up, and give a firm nod in his direction. He walked out of the room, and shut the door behind him, and it was then that I realized a subtle tear fall from my eye. This is the first time I had cried in a long time, and no doubt it was because of Juliette.

She's been unconscious for 16 days, but I haven't been able to get her any medical attention. I thought I'd known what heartache and worry had felt like before, but this, this is 100x worse. Nobody ever told me that it would feel like your head is going to explode every second of the day. No one ever told me I would find myself ignoring all my duties and work just to sit by their side and take their hand, hoping to soothe her in her dreams. I quickly shoved a few quick bites of food, knowing if I don't eat, I'll regret it. Juliette has been living off nutrients injected into her body, it won't be enough. I stood up, stretched, and immediately got to work, changing, showering, and following my routine, which involves wiping Juliette off with a cloth, sitting by her, and talking to the air.

At 9 am, I reluctantly shuffle out the door, but straighten at the first sign of a soldier, and eventually landed myself infront of a door. I raise my fist, hesitate, and knock, three sharp snaps, and goes in without waiting for him to answer. "Oh, good, you're here. Two seconds early as well, might I add. I'm impressed." Anderson's voice travels through the room, and flows through my bones. He doesn't feel impressed, he's tense.

I say nothing, knowing all too well not to answer when he says something like this. His aura is dimming the room, making the whole mood of everything feel bad. A sigh, a scrape of a chair, and I look up, realizing I have been looking at my feet the whole time. Anderson comes in my view, and before I could register it, punch me square in my face. A dribble of blood falls down my nose and drips on the floor. Pain explodes through my face and I get knocked backwards, landing on the floor. I think my nose is broken.

"Never let emotions get in the way of your duty again, understood?" I say nothing. He walks back to his desk, sits down, and motions me to sit opposite of him. I force myself to stand up, and pushing one foot in front of the other, I walk, sway, and sit. Blood continues to fall from my face, landing on his plush chairs, but he doesn't seem to notice or care.

"Now, I am here to talk to you about a mission you will be going on. This will test to see if you are trustworthy or if you still have feelings for that disgraceful monster. I assume now she's dead, since I shot her..." Anderson thinks I may be helping the other survivors, how ironic. If I did infact know where they were, I would not help them, unless Juliette wanted me to, which she probably did. Juliette. Juliette. Juliette, Juliette. Juliette.

Anderson is now talking about how I am a horrible son, how embarrassing I was for him, and how thank goodness Juliette is dead. "...Reestablishment is disappointed, and the useless resistance group couldn't get anything done, except to gather people..." Anderson's voice is now barely a thought in my head. My mind is in chaos, and I try harder then ever to gather my thoughts. Juliette is dead. Juliette is dead. Juliette is dead. Juliette is dead.

My head is dizzy, and I sway again, nearly falling over on the chair. Anderson notices this and stops talking. I sense his emotions shift from ignorance to disgust, though his face shows nothing. "I punch you one time, and now you're weaker then a mosquito with one wing. Do I need to put you through training again, Aaron." He hisses through his teeth, his hands moving to somewhere deep in his drawers.

I immediately sit up straight restores my face to no emotions and say, "no sir". Two stiff words. They came out wrong, like I was exaggerating and making fun of him. His eyes shut, and for exactly two seconds, he stayed that way. When he opened his eyes, they were a look of controlled anger, which suggests me to shut the hell up, and never talk again.

               "Your mission." he continued, apparently trying to ignore how I just talked to him. "will be to find the remaining survivors. And KILL them." Well, atleast I was prepared for something like this. I nearly faint again.

Hello again. Glad you made it here. I am quite sad today because an older dude offended my memorization skills. But all things aside, hope you can give some good advice.

Anyways, have a nice day, goodbye.



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