chapter 2

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                         My eyes jolt awake, and I immediately see I am not where I'm supposed to be. The room I'm in is all white, and I look into it carefully, it seems endless. It's only then that I realize I'm not alone. There is also a little girl in the room with me, she's staring at me, not seeming to want to look away. She looks to be at the age of about 5, and she strikingly reminds me of me. I sit up with a groan, hating my headache. "Hello, are you here to accompany me?" the little girl askes me. I decide not to upset her, and answered yes.

                           "Goodies. We're going to be best friends! What's your name? My name's Ella." What's my name? I should know this, but for some reason, my head can't seem to remember. "My name's... Emmaline." I had that name in my head the second I opened my eyes, and I have no idea why. The name sounds familiar, though, but I can't seem to pinpoint why.

                            "Emmaline? That's my sister's name as well! What a coincidence! I'm going to tell her all about you!" The little girl Ella squeaks out. She seems so energetic. And what did she mean by "my sister". 

                            "So, what is this place? Your room?" I decide to ask, trying to find out where I am. 

                             "Oh, this? I don't know. I was talking with my friend Nazeera, and then I wasn't here, then the next moment I was. It's a very weird place. And then suddenly you fell out of the sky, and I thought you were dead, a-and I tried to make you wake up, but then you woke up on your own." Ella blabbered on, explaining how she had been here for about 2 hours. And how much she wondered where her sister is. 

                             "Have you tried finding a way out of here? This place seems dangerous. Where's your mom?" I interrupted her blabbering. Upon hearing this, her eyes immediately darken, and she no longer looks like a sweet little girl, but like a strong woman. Then all of a sudden, with me unprepared, all my memories came back to me. I was shot. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Warner. Darkness, darkness, darkness, darkness.

                              "My mom." she started, considered what to say and continued. "She made Emmaline disappear. She brought me to this weird facility, and made me stay away from my friends for 2 months. She didn't care when I told her Aaron is getting beaten by his father. She is not my mother." I processed this information, and ran through it in my mind again. Wait, Aaron? Aaron Warner? Ella knows Warner?

                                 "Not to be rude or anything, but is Aaron's last name perhaps Warner?" Her eyes lights up again, and she looks up at me excitedly. "Yes! How did you know? Do you know his dad? He always hits Aaron, but nobody would believe it. And Aaron told me if I tell anyone, the beatings will only get worse!" 

                                  "How old is Aaron?" I ask, wondering if Ella truly does know Warner. It's hard to imagine Warner telling a little girl all about his traumas, since he is so distant when it comes to these things. 

                                  "Oh! Aaron is two years older then me, so that means he is 7 this year. We were planning to give him cake. I wonder if Uncle Paris will give him a birthday present." 2 years older. Just like Warner and me. I'm 17, and Warner's 19. Now that I think about it, Ella does look a lot like me but younger. But it's not possible, since I'm here, and you can't have two of the same people in one room. It's not possible. Is it? I never would've believed powers existed until I went to omega point. I only knew I was cursed. 

                                   I raise my head once again to look around, noticing that we weren't standing on ground, there was no ground. I stand up, and take a few steps, I feel lighter somehow, like I could jump and take flight. "Please don't leave. I'm scared." A voice, Ella croaked behind me. Now I feel guilty for upsetting her, and instantly sat down again. Despite just meeting her, I have already grown to like her a lot. 

                                   I tried comforting her, but the tears started coming. They kept flowing, and I talked to her about the only subject that seems to cheer her up. Her life. 

                                    "I have a sister named Emmaline, and she's also two years older then me. She, Nazeera and I are best friends. We also have other friends, who are the children of the other Supreme Commanders. We always have each other's backs. Aaron has the harshest life. HIs mom is extremely sick, and his dad, is his dad. But then Emmaline was sent of to a school, that's what they say, and I was taken to this weird base thingy, where I wasn't allowed to see my friends for 2 months. And then I was let go again, because I was "cleaned", and so there I was talking with Nazeera, and then here I am a moment later, talking with you!" 

                                       Kenji might call me dumb sometimes, but I am not stupid. I can put piece and piece together. I know that for some reason, this girl is me. It's also why I came to like her so quickly. The things about Aaron just made it obvious. Though there's one small problem, I don't recall me ever having friends when I was young, and what was that about "the other supreme commander's children"? And how why when did I have a sister!? How long has it been since I've been in this everlasting whiteness? What about Warner? Where is he? Did the war end? Are all my friends dead?  

                                          These are questions I'll probably never get the answers to, if I am indeed staying here for eternity. 

                                          I'm scared. I'm scared.                             I'm not scared. 

                                          I'm going to face this challenge with a brave face, and a powerful hand. I will get me and my younger self out of here, no matter the cost. But for now, I will take this one step at a time. To get back. To get back to my friends. To get back to Warner

                                         And the first step will be to find out if what Ella's life is like, since I can't remember any of those things.

                                       This should be exciting...

 Or not

Hello again again (I'm going to add another again). All my parts are short, because I am not that good at writing, criticize myself, woooooo!   Ok, so go check out my friend @2029luisaf's book (on Renegades) because yes. She is, in my opinion, a much better writer then me.

Also, give advice.



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