11- Family Day

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It's been some time 🙂

Beyoncé pov

I woke up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes letting out a yawn. Then I picked up my phone to check the time.

11:46 is what it read.

I looked over to see Rih not in bed with me then I heard quiet or they were trying to be quiet giggles from outside of the door.

Soon after the door opens and in comes Rihanna holding a happy Nika and Lolo holding a plate of food.

"Mommy we made pancake" Lolo said with excitement. I dramtically gasped making her laugh. "an guess what" She said. "what" I said "it a bumble bee" she shouted handing me the plate.

"no way this is amazing thank you baby" I told her then kissed all over her face making her laugh. "you welcome mommy" Lolo said.

"Thank you babe" I said looking up at Rih "You are welcome baybeh, Nini look its mama" Rih told Nika pointing to where I was making her head snap in my direction.

she started giggling making grabby hands. Rih walked over and placed her on the bed beside me making her autimatically climb in my lap.

"hey my baby you want some of my pancake don't you" I asked her. She just stared up at me as I bit into the pancake. I placed a strawberry in her mouth and she started chewing on it.

Lauren and Rihanna left to go get their breakfast and bring it up here. "I got you some orange juice love" Rihanna told me coming back into the room with Lolo behind her.

"Thank you baby" I told her while putting a piece of pancake in my baby's mouth. They got comfortable and turned on Jake and the Neverland Pirates. I haven't seen this show in 10 years.

"Yo ho, Let's go" Lolo sung along to the theme song. Nika and Lauren was invested into the show as me and Rih finished our breakfast holding light conversation.

"I have a surprise later" Rih told me "Ooo what is it" I asked excitedly "I can't tell you that's why it's called a surprise Bey" she said laughing as I pouted.

"maaa maaa" Nika called from my chest "yes baby" I asked looking down at her, she just placed her small hand on my boob. "hold on babygirl" I cooed.

"Babe how long has she been up" I asked Rih "She woke up at 7" She answered.

"I'm gonna go put her down for a nap in the nursery I'll be back" I told her getting up out the bed with Nika in my arms. I went into the nursery and sat in the rocking chair, got comfortable then lifted my shirt and allowed Nika latch on.

30 minutes later her eyes drooping but she was fighting it so I sung to her softly.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are

After I finished singing she was sound asleep with her mouth around my nipple, she wasn't sucking anymore. I carefully got her pacifier off the dresser and removed my nipple from her mouth and before she could whine I placed the pacifier in her mouth.

I kissed her forehead and carefully placed her in her crib and grabbed the baby monitor before I walked out I turned on some soft sleeping music and closed her door leaving it slightly ajar then went back to my room.

"Can I know the surprise now riri" I asked pouting "no" she said then turned back to the tv. Just rude I thought rolling my eyes.

"Mama" Lauren called out crawling up the bed into my lap. "Yes my big girl" I asked tapping her nose causing her to giggle "Me love you and dada an-and sissy soooo much" she told me making my heart melt.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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