Wayne manor

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They dropped off the building into the alley behind it, the batmobile was there waiting for them. It stood imposing in the wide alley that was made incredibly crowded by the vehicle, it's body was thick black metal that held a form somewhere between a sports car and a tank, elegant and powerful at the same time. The windows were black voids betraying nothing. The wheels were double the size of a normal car's more like a trucks would look like, they were armour plated with small gaps in the tires themselves that gripping spikes would shoot out of making the vehicle able to traverse any environment. Not that it often needed to running down and striking fear directly into the heart of the criminal element of the depraved Gotham city. In Gotham this vehicle was as renowned and feared as the Bat himself and it had almost as many myths surrounding it

Jon froze for a moment admiring the vehicle in awe before getting in and moving feeling like he was going through a portal into the cool, spacious high tech interior that felt like the cockpit of a spaceship a myriad of screens, scanners and controls took up the area Infront of the batman. Between The Dark Knight and his son, who had sat in the front, was a pile of bloodied gauze and first aid supplies. It was only upon seeing them that Jon focused on the figure in the drivers seat.

The Batman fit perfectly into the space behind the wheel, the vehicle was obviously calibrated to fit around him just as much a part of his costume as the severely damaged armour, the bat emblem on his chest had a deep cut down it, his cape looked half burnt away, on his left thigh the armour plating was gone and a deep cut took its place barely covered by a large gauz that was stapled onto his leg, a number of other smaller cracks and wounds covered him some were surface level others were much deeper meeting muscle and bone in the worse cases, those were haphazardly bandaged and covered but worse was his face a large cut that had shattered spread along the top of his cowl, and a thick trail of blood poured out the side of his broken lip, but that wasn't the part that made both Jon and Damian silent and in awe. It was the look of cold fury on his face, he seemed to not even be aware of the two boys, the only sign he knew they were there was him silently starting to drive away.

After meeting Jon's eyes briefly but communicating nothing Damian was the first to speak "Father, are there any leads on who they are? They were obviously well prepared was it one of them that did that to you?"
"Damian..." Seeming not to hear his father he continued
"The one we fought was incredibly skilled and had tech that..."
"Damian stop. This is now a league issue, drop it. I need to think"
"But we..."
"I SAID TO DROP IT" he roared at his son making him recoil
"But I found thi..."
"NOW DAMIAN FOR GODS SAKE CAN YOU NOT LISTEN TO A SIMPLE INSTRUCTION, I AM NOT LETTING YOU GET EITHER OF YOU KILLED BECAUSE OF YOUR STUPID ARROGANCE, THIS IS BEYOND WHAT YOU CAN HANDLE SO JUST DROP IT." he screamed at his son smashing his fist into the dashboard his entire body almost shaking from how heavily he was breathing afterwards.

Damian's body tensed and he turned to the window he pushed his eyes shut and fought back tears, barely able to keep them at bay, at the same time he closed his hand around and slipped the metal disk in a pocket. Jon felt anger grow in him but words evaded him. Long minutes passed before Damian asked with an uncharacteristic softness "Is Jason going to be okay?" The car was silent until they reached the cave

Jon's eyes scanned the massive space outside his window, he felt a difference as the car passed from on the stone path onto one of the myriad of suspended metal platforms the cave was filled with a myriad of cars, planes, bikes along with technology and weapons that the boy had never seen before. It wasn't long before they reached the main area of the cave the famed bat computer not far away. Alfred hurried forward to meet them.

"Master Bruce, are you alright?" Alfred said moving to his side and supporting one of his arms "How is he?" Alfred looked uncomfortable for a moment "for the moment, stable." The words registered faintly behind Damian as he reached the infirmary first, Jon arriving next to him moments later wordless they stared at the body Infront of them Jason was half naked, his body covered in electrical burns and deep gashes, a number of tubes were attached to him giving him oxygen, blood transfusions and fluids.

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