The Man in the House of BLUE

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Warning: This is scary and there's gonna be some slight gore. :-3


There was a man on Park Avenue
Who had very good roses
And cooked lots of stew
Everyone stayed away
And everyone knew
Of the man in the house of BLUE

I wish I knew
Of the man in the house of BLUE
The man in the house of BLUE

Then one day a shy lady
Whom was looking out for me
Said "I'll tell you the story
If after you promise to flee"

I promised and lied
But I won't have guiltily cried
Because then I would know
Of the man in the house of BLUE
The man in the house of BLUE

She continued on,
A foolish move
To tell me the story
That most everyone knew

"A very young boy
With black, long fringe
Had social skills
That'd make everyone cringe

But then he and his mother moved in
His father had left
His friends were none
There happened a thing
Leaving him so not bereft

One day when his mother
Thought he wasn't fun
He made an imaginary friend
A mistake, just the one

The friend never left the boy's room
He never even was seen
But the boy loved him so
No one was mean

They were best friends and lovers
And soon, partners in crime
The best friend, invisible
And thought to be imaginary
Promised to show
His true form of mine

What happened was this:
The boy went downstairs
To see a sight of blood and guts and gore
And something else

Some blood, smeared on the wall
A handprint of someone tall
In the corner, a demon of male complexion
On the floor, a woman he had no affection

His mother had been murdered
She lay naked on the ground
From her shoulder to her hip
A gash in flesh
The innards overflowing
Like too much food from out your lip
Her legs were charred
The skin red and black
Her neck and face a mess of blood and flesh

And the boy, overwhelmed with love for this male
He laughs with the demon
The demon laughs
They know each other
From a year passed

The demon used to be an imaginary friend
Now it's only to the boy he lends
His loving care and ability to meet ends

Now everyone runs when they hear a laugh
To not end as the mother
The fate of the past"

She finishes her whispered tale
I give her a wink and say
"To fulfill my promise of fleeing, I shall not fail."

I never told her where I'd go to so
I fled to the house of BLUE
It had felt like a dare
When I entered the house of BLUE

I opened my eyes,
Only to close them

As I heard a laugh.

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