Swagger (again)

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Now, if you watched the video, you saw this guy with his "dope fitted" hat. I love the Yankees and all, but he does not have swagger.

Like if a guy was to sag their pants. I have never seen a girl say, "That is so hot. Damn, I want some of him," to a guy that sags his pants. Nor to a guy or girl that wears their hat to the side. There is no purpose in that. I get that wearing it backwards protects your neck from sunburn and wearing it to the front is to shade your face, but sideways?

No. Freaking old people have more "swag" than those thugs.

Like Bieber. I know I'm pulling on an old reference, but now he's pretty unpopular since he started the rap and boxing stuff. Man, he's the definition of a thug. That failed. As most thugs do.

I know people like hats, and "thugs" are a fad and whatnot, but this is ridiculous. Thanks for reading it all, if you did. Sorry for ranting and stuff. I just wanted to prolong going for a bike ride. And I want to see if you guys agree!

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