Hired at Nintendo

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July 11th 2006 - James POV

[After my interview, I was surprised to get accepted to be a Nintendo employee. I don’t know how hard it is to get in here but I heard from some people it was hard. My resume was good I guess. I was in the software development department. I guess you could say I am pretty good at coding. I was treated a nice welcome from my other co-workers. I liked it, but I slowly felt overwhelmed on how there was a lot, even though it might seem less for other people. As I was talking with my co-worker, Johnathan, I looked over his shoulder and noticed a male, looking really messy. He noticed I was staring somewhere else, and looked where I was looking at. He said:]

"Oh, that's Henry, he's pretty quiet. And a little weird." He chuckled

"What do you mean by that?" I looked back at Johnathan.

"Ehh.. he just glares at people and does some weird stuff we don't know about."

He shrugged, and drank his water he was holding.

[I stared at Henry again, and we accidentally made eye contact, but for some reason, I waved and smiled nervously. That wasn't like me, I'd usually look away quickly, but I think its because how this is the Nintendo of America. I wanted to get a good view from other workers, but from what I heard from Johnathan talking about Henry, I guess I could get comfortable, but I'll be aware of my actions. After I did wave to him, his expression changed, like he was calm? His face before looked a little pissed off. I went to my assigned cubicle, I was near between Johnathan, and his friend, Mike, and Henry from a few cubicles away from Johnathan to his right. I guess I was just in the middle. I was assigned to work on the new console that was gonna come out, the Wii. But, since it was my first day, I didn't work in that day. Me and some other co-workers who has worked here longer then me was told to introduce me to the place. It was 4:00 PM, Just an hour left until my shift was done. I had an urge to talk to Henry, he looks mysterious. But I don't have the courage to talk to him yet. I'll wait more longer to talk to him. But when I tried looking for him, he wasn't in his cubicle. I thought that he probably left early. But it was like 4 PM, that couldn't have happened. As soon as I realize, I forgot to take my medications for my deppression, suprisingly my anxiety nor my depression wasn't killing me in my first day. First days are usually stressful for me. I took out my meds and placed it in my pocket. I'm not sure if people made judgements out of others since Johnathan did say that Henry was creepy, heck, I bet he hasn't made a full conversation with him yet. I'll just take it in the restroom. As I almost went in the male restroom, I kinda heard soft sobbing? I was curious but I didn't want to bother the person in the restroom crying. But I need water to wash out the pill, I can't take it publicly because of possibly getting judged again, and this pill basically keeps me up.. so I have to do it in here. When I opened the door, the sobbing immediately stopped. It was like he was holding his breath in the stall. I breathed in, then out, and took out my medications. I tried not to make that much noise from the pills in the bottle. I turned on the faucet and drank it out from my palm, it made me yucky since this was just tap water. But I swallowed it. As soon as I finished taking my meds, I heard the stall door open, I immediately closed the bottle, but I didn't wanna do it too fast or else they'd think I'd be taking some sort of drug. But I saw Henry come out of the bathroom, I guess he was the one crying. I shoved my meds in my pocket as Henry walks towards the sinks and washed his hands like he pretended he took a shit, or maybe he did before crying. I tried to fix myself, like my hair, I decided to look at Henry for a bit, but he was looking at me first so I immediately looked away. I only saw a tiny bit of his face, he looked slightly pink from crying.]

"U-uh.. sorry for looking at you." I spoke out


"I.. uh.. I heard about you Henry. That's your name right?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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